[BETA] Rezerg.me

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this is unfinished software and this thread will be updated daily, pls dont expect this to work completely well yet

Not many programming languages have made me consider demolishing my computer, doing a kaczynski and living in isolated woods without technology forever, and C#/WPF almost did the trick. Thankfully, my hatred for Shadowplay as well as Medal.TV made me continue with this project. I used to love PlaysTV even though that also was a buggy piece of shit. Introducing: Rezerg.

Rezerg is software i made to fix what seemingly every game editor has failed to do so far: making it fast and easy without limiting you in your freedom.
Shadowplay lets you record entire sessions, and save the last x amount of minutes but does not have any editing tools to cut sessions or clips down further.
Using Medal.TV can be a pain in the ass due the upload limit and my medal experience sadly consists of corrupted clips or certain games not being detected. Restarting your game in order to make your recorder work fucking sucks, i designed Rezerg in a way where that would never be the case.

i'm making this thread for 2 reasons:

- Using you guys as my labrats! Rezerg isnt complete and needs some testing, in return i'll probably give you like 10K perp cash for each reported bug or something.

- so you can use it! I made it for myself because other things did not work for me. Maybe this could be convient to you!

Rezerg will definitely grow in the future, it's in an extremely basic stage right now but it's core functionality is usable.

Here's what rezerg does:
- Record your complete game session
- Save the last x amount of minutes of gameplay when you press ctrl + f2 (with a cool sound notification telling you it went successful :eek: )
- You can cut game sesions and saved clips even further down using the build in editor

Here's what rezerg will do in the future:
- Allow you to save markers/moments of interests during gameplay, so you can make cuts
- Allow you to upload directly through rezerg to youtube and other sources
- allow you to upload an x amount of minutes instantly to youtube/other sources while still in-game
- have an overlay informing you of recordings being started, and when video's are being uploaded

you can download it here (156MB Download, 551MB extracted)

I will open-source it later on, run wireshark if you dont trust me :(

Known issues:

- Fullscreen is required for recording to start, make that you are not in windowed or borderless fullscreen mode!
- First 5 seconds during startup is a little laggy,
- good chance there might not be audio, this will be fixed tomorrow but it's 2AM and i wanted to publish this thread before i lost everything i typed
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haha every decent domain name with captis was taken, i've just spotted a possible issue with audio in the current version right after i made this thread so be sure to check back tomorrow when i've fixed it
I thought this software was going to be useless until I watched the video explaining it, it changed my prospective of everything about it


On a real, I may have to give this a try at some point. I remember seeing you post screenshots in the shoutbox so that's pretty cool, hope your project goes well!
haha, yeah i needed a placeholder and that was the first thing that came to mind lmao. thanks!
Nice open source bro!


Some concerns; in the TOS:
- "The geographic area where you use your computer and mobile devices" Why would you save this?
- "Other information" this is a bad thing too have in TOS, other information could be anything
Also how long are these details saved, can I remove them when I wish too?
Like this, your program doesn't meet the requirements for the GDPR.
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"I will open-source it later on, run wireshark if you dont trust me :( "
Terms and conditions page is a placeholder from the template im using :p
I've got one written up for the most part but i have yet to publish it. as of now there is 0 communication from the app to rezerg servers and no data is therefor stored.​
there will be anonymous metrics and some other data in the future tho, but since i like my privacy too there will be an option to opt-out of all data collection.​
Good to be privacy aware tho :)
Howdy, i fixed the issues related to sound. It will record your microphone and system audio properly now. It will listen to whatever device is set as default in your system settings. There will be an update tomorrow including some more options related to sound and recording windowed games will also be possible

download here