big AR

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Aleksey Patrov
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Leo/Marino Omerta, Moon/Jack Bingo, Jayo/Charles Omerta, zXDroNEXz/ Daniel Brock
His/Her SteamID: (In Order)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Leo, Moon, and Jayo should be punished for 3.4,3.5, and 3.6 along with 2.5. Drone should only be punished for 3.5 (Possibly) and 2.5. Essentially, what happened is shown in the video. The three above killed an orginization member simply because he "punched and called them a racial slur". I as a Marmite member would not stand for this, I called my fellow org member @John Doe and he gunpointed them and led them to church. At that point most of them broke 3.4 and 3.6, disobeying John's orders. All 3 were executed because of this, and Drone/Daniel Brock pulled up and killed John for whatever reason. We found his car and carbombed him. Shortly after, all 3 (Not sure if Daniel has participated) shot us all down as we opened the apartment door when we weren't posing any threat. Their excuse was "we heard you talking about guns". As far as I remember @MrAaron was banned once for 2.5, shooting down someone when they weren't a feasible threat. I talked with @HolyShititsDannyD about this and it seems to break 2.5 and 3.5 as they shot us just to kill us.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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@Moon The Goon @zXDroNEXz (dunno the other forum names)

Firstly, Dronez, how did you find out about your friends being held kidnapped at Church?

Why did Leo and Jayo shoot everyone at regals? (They were the only two involved at that shooting, the others in the AR were not assisting).
(Could one of you two who I have tagged please get in touch with either Jayo or Leo so they can reply to this question?)

I have already figured out most of the punishments, just need answers to these questions before I conclude this.


Okay, first off I am only involved in the Church/Car bomb situation.

Anyways, I saw my friend or so I though friend being held at gunpoint in the Church with my own eyes so I got out my M1911 to shoot at them and either kill all of them or give my friend time to escape and cause a long enough distraction.

I attempted, I failed at saving my friend and later payed the price of death for it. I believe my part of RP into this matter is finished.
I can say that zXDroNEXs didn't break any rules a according to what i know.
He had a legit reason to kill me and he didn't take part of the execution at regal.

Marino Omerta died at graveyard because he refused to follow me. 3.4
Jack Bingo died at graveyard because he killed my friends friend.
Charles Omerta died at graveyard because he refused to lay down on the grave. 3.4
Had no intentions to kill Marino or Charles my plan was to mug them.
I would also like to add that none of these guys took the npc into consideration after killing John in the start of video.
Then they broke 2.5 and 3.5 They knew that i had an apartment in regals and then decided to execute us with the reason that they heard me and Phonton talking about a deagle with rot dot sight.

Cant comment on my phone.
but Glacial_subzero you permbanned knob. First of all stop ur slander when you have no idea of what happend second of all you are not allowed to kill the npc in a situation like this you have to tie him up like we did.
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Hello! Charles Omerta here to give my statement on what had happened.
I'd like to say I will underline time stamps within the video to help you out.
I'd also like to state I am speaking on behalf of everyone I was with, they may add other comments too or even give their own story. (I am with; Jack Bingo and Marino Omerta.)

First off at the beginning of the video there was a part before that in which was edited out of the man assaulting one of us. (Us meaning: Jack Bingo, Marino Omerta and myself.) and then Jack Bingo killed the man(0:22) and I finished him off(1:04).
Jack Bingo killed the man for assaulting one of us and I finished him off as I wanted to avoid any problems later on down the road.

Possible Meta Gaming at (2:00)?

I would love to know why there was a cut at (3:40) as the car ride roughly 20 seconds and I'm sure it is related to the AR in some respect, there is no point in giving an Administrator an edited version as it wont give him the full picture of what happened as I did find this screenshot within the video at (4:36)

Very nice.

Up until around the graves is when we stopped listening to their requests as we were certain when we heard "Lay down on the grave" we were going to die, and as the picture I just presented states, they were going to find a way to shoot us anyways so I believe we were fully correct in believing that we were dead either way.

At (5:02) the first person is killed, the first gun shot meaning "In addition, once shots have been fired everything about being held at gunpoint goes out the window."
as stated in this guide:
Meaning that Jack and myself(Charles Omerta) didn't have to comply with anything they had said.

At (6:15) Jack is killed, then at (8:09) I am killed(Charles Omerta). Then John Clean is killed at (8:12) Which really confused me as I didn't know what was going on until I found out it was Daniel Brock, in which non of us had any affiliations with and we aren't acquainted with him(Until now), why he interrupted is not to my knowledge and most definitely not involving Jack, Marino or myself.

At (9:05) some guys car exploded, then again Jack, Marino and myself were not involved in this. I don't even know what that was about and I believe I should keep my nose clean and not get myself involved within that event.

Now, at (9:18) is when the fun starts.
In the way the person has edited the video you can not hear it, but someone was talking about a Desert Eagle with a Reflex Sight and someone was saying "Is a Reflex Sight good on a Desert Eagle?" so we were under the pretense that they were armed, hence dangerous. Then when they opened the door we saw there was quite a few of them so instead of risking our lives to check if we should risk telling them to get down we instead opened fire. (To find out it was actually 4 vs 3 to them with them in the bigger team.)
Also may I point out, at (9:25) Mr. John Clean attempted to lock the door during a raid, well it looks that way, I will leave that to the Administrator to decide.

This was a complete mess, in my personal opinion and I do apologize for it.
Thank you very much for reading,
Kind regards,

Also Known As: Charles Omerta.

Moon will be punished for 3.4 and 2.5.

Jayo will be punished for 3.4 and 2.5.

Leo will be punished for 2.5.

Daniel, from what it seems, did not do anything wrong, and will therefore not be punished.

Thinking/knowing you are going to die is not justification for breaking 3.4. You not complying and essentially asking to be shot is removing all chances of surviving. For example, in this situation, Daniel did come and shoot John Clean, which could have been your chance of survival. Due to this, I believe those who did not comply in that situation will be punished for 3.4.

Jay and Leo were the only two involved in the actually shooting at Regals, from what the logs say at least. Hearing people talking about guns is not a good enough reason to assume they are armed and shoot them. Unless they are a direct threat to you, as in with their gun out, you cannot simply shoot them. (Moon was also involved, just realised, he will also be punished for this).

Moon, Jayo and Leo will be punished for their actions.
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