Blacklist Apology (KeiwaM)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Blacklist
Appeal Type: Apology[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: KeiwaM
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Userone
Your Roleplay Name: Gloria Mendoza
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:0

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: " The user complains consistently over OOC and after numerous warnings to stop, they continue to call problems. User has generally atrocious demeanor in OOC hence the length."

Why should this appeal be considered?: While I was typing in /ooc chat, I was not actually sending any messages into /ooc - because I had ran out of OOC messages. I was merely venting to myself, yelling into the void so to speak. I assume admins received notifications of my /ooc messages anyway, but I can assure you that was NOT my intention and I did not expect that to happen.

I can assure you I wasn't going to actually post it in /ooc chat, I'm familiar I was told not to and I didn't. I was merely venting to myself. That's why every message was unique and not just copy-pasted.

Additional Information: I find it interesting that both ban reasons appear to be exact copy-paste of one another, including the "they continue to call problems" typo.
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IIRC, you were told several times to not cause issues in OOC - Including yesterday when Haris was nice to you and only gave you a 2 day mute, which you were unmuted from today. You clearly don't learn.

Hang on, hang on. What rule am I being accused of breaking with those messages above? I was just expressing myself.

Okay, the "waiting for unbiased response" is a little rude, I admit. But, that was my honest opinion - that in the moment, before you learn the full story, your opinion is biased. I didn't mean to demean anyone with that, I was just trying to seek justice for what had happened to me and set the record straight.

I never made any direct insults, I wasn't vulgar. My intent isn't to cause problems. I simply voiced an opinion of discontent, am I not allowed to do so, and if so - I'd like to know which rule I broke with my above statements. I felt they were relatively civil.
By continuing to argue about it in OOC after several staff members said your report was handled correctly was not necessary. Please read rule 1.4
By continuing to argue about it in OOC after several staff members said your report was handled correctly was not necessary. Please read rule 1.4
I agree that it may not have been necessary, but I respectfully disagree that I violated rule 1.4.

Rule 1.4 says:
Any attempts made by players to cause problems within any community platform will not be tolerated.

With all due respect, as I have told you, my intent is not to cause problems, my intent is to express my grievance. That isn't "causing problems," in fact that is resolving problems and working on a solution through communication.

I apologize for again discussing OOC disagreements in OOC, but in my defense - the staff was doing it as well. I only intended to civilly disagree, I didn't intend to cause problems. I won't discuss any OOC disagreements in the OOC chat again, even if staff appear to, I'll show patience and wait for the report.

I hope this compromise will work for everybody.
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Okay, the "waiting for unbiased response" is a little rude, I admit. But, that was my honest opinion
Bingo. Since its an apology / dispute though I'll let you decide to fully convert this post to an appeal.
Bingo. Since its an apology / dispute though I'll let you decide to fully convert this post to an appeal.
Fair enough, it wasn’t a direct insult, but it is insulting. I didn’t think of it that way. Sorry about that.

I’ll be more careful with my wording, and I’m sure it’ll be better to not discuss these issues in public OOC anyway.
Fair enough, it wasn’t a direct insult, but it is insulting. I didn’t think of it that way. Sorry about that.
I’ll be more careful with my wording, and I’m sure it’ll be better to not discuss these issues in public OOC anyway.​
I gave you a chance, you even said you're fine with a harsher punishment if you mess up. I'm surprised this isn't an actual ban or communication ban for your conduct; anyways, you've not learnt your lesson.
Fair enough, it wasn’t a direct insult, but it is insulting. I didn’t think of it that way. Sorry about that.

I’ll be more careful with my wording, and let’s just agree to not discuss these issues in public OOC on both ends, alright?
Text communication doesn’t come with the liberty of tonal context. If something that could be said out loud within a rude tone is written in words, those reading the words could easily interpret it as said in that tone. This is particularly aggravated when said words are being directed at people of authority who receive these sorts of negative interactions from players regularly and the fact that you were, at the time, having this argument with said players in response to a punishment you’d received.
Text communication doesn’t come with the liberty of tonal context. If something that could be said out loud within a rude tone is written in words, those reading the words could easily interpret it as said in that tone. This is particularly aggravated when said words are being directed at people of authority who receive these sorts of negative interactions from players regularly
I apologize for the miscommunication, I will keep it in mind.

Only reason I spoke up about it at all was because admins had after I asked how to dispute it, if we all avoid discussing the issue of the matter itself in public OOC - that’ll be the best.

I didn’t mean to start a discussion regarding the dispute in OOC chat, I just wanted to know how to go about disputing it is all. I was clarifying a technical question if I could report the player who stole the gun in the forum despite the in-game ruling, or if I had to make a staff dispute report. I never intended to start a discussion with that, but that’s what it led to, and I’m sorry that I reacted to, what I perceived was, admin’s possibly not-entirely-accurate first impression opinion on a more complicated situation than it first appeared. But, that’s just my opinion, like I said. Like any other human - I could be wrong.

Thank you for your sacrificies as a staff member, I promise I’ll be more considerate. I won’t respond to admins discussing these topics OOC if I disagree, and I’ll just wait until I have an opportunity to make a forum report when I can be more civil and level headed to double-check that nothing I write can be interpreted as an insult.

I did not indend to insult you, I intended to express to you that I felt that your first impression of the situation may not be so accurate in my opinion. The way I expressed it was rude, and I should have picked better words than “I’ll wait for an unbiased opinion,” and I’m sorry for that.

I do not indend to “cause problems” by voicing my grievances. I will avoid doing so, even if others are, in OOC chat and wait for a report to be resolved on forum instead.
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