Blur - PARKLIFE - CSGO Montage

Hello, sir after review of my post that you rated bad spelling I have determined through careful analysis of the post that there are no spelling errors that could result in the tag of bad spelling. Please remove this rating immediately or face the might of my tiny American legs
Honestly, illegally download sonyvegas. rename yourself Pirate JRW and use 3 minutes of clips with some mediocre music. Makes it a lot less watchable, not some bad clips tho!
I'd be pretty rich if I had £10 for every time someone slated a guys good work when hes actually shit at the game in question
Just to clarify parklife and all the blur songs in this montage for that matter are British classics, anyone who doesn’t rate them or appreciate them is either a yank or uncultured. The clips are mediocre because it’s a shit folder cleanout it was mainly for the editing. Thankyou for trying to make jokes @Bert you are a lot of things, usually a fat cunt, but funny is not a word I’d use to describe you.
I don’t like British music, call me a yank or uncultured for not liking bowl hair cutter singers from my dads teen years.