Model Suggestion Body Types

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Suggestion Title: Body Types
Suggestion Description: Make the models slightly wider or thinner, the shoulder to waist ratio more pronounced with different selectinos.

People can have an obese character or a giga chad shredded guy. This way there is more personalization for everyone including both males and females.

Why should this be added?:
- Personalization
- Fashion
- Unique characters
- Immersion
- In line with the new vision for better looking models that StephenPuffs hinted at in his profile posts!

What negatives could this have?:
- people would use midget characters in pvp?

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Somehow everyone is shredded in Paralake but where the gym at ?!?!?

Useful Images:
90% of the server would choose the skinniest character even possible, to be seen less and "smaller hitboxes" or whatever lol, if that would be the option: small people should have alot less control over firearms, have higher recoil or something
90% of the server would choose the skinniest character even possible, to be seen less and "smaller hitboxes" or whatever lol, if that would be the option: small people should have alot less control over firearms, have higher recoil or something
The hitbox could just remain the same consistently across the playermodels though.
Whilst hitboxes above could be alleviated by not having a different hitbox per model, Bear in mind this will require reshaping of virtually every clothing item and Limb. This adds far more content solely so I can RP as buff gigachad like I am IRL...
Guess its hard to get this to work cuz of the engine. But like others stated. Peeps would be smallest/skinniest model for obvious pvp advantages.
Id rather see them add more guns or add the Lotus Elise.