Bounty Hunting [Not a job]

Reaction score
East Grestin Border Checkpoint
Topic: The addition of a system which allows the Police Lieutenant to issue warrants on individuals where citizens with the appropriate documentation (Accepted Bounty Hunter application) can seek and apprehend the suspect in question.

Short explanation (in notes):
- The ability for the lieutenant to put a bounty on someone's head.
- Depending on the severity of the crimes committed by the individual the amount is raised, (Murder = $1000) (Theft $250) etc.
- Funds come out of the city funds (To avoid any loss by the Lieutenant and actually make it a valuable asset to the Police Service)

Detailed description
(why should it become added/...):

Basically, it would allow players to earn some extra cash without having to deal with all the faff that comes with it (Traffic bullshit, and generally people trying to agitate you), not to mention anyway that you can legally make money is a good thing, right?

Obviously bounty hunters would have to buy their own equipment, they would not be immune to breaking the law as they are not Law Enforcement Personnel, they cannot break any law other than the posession of a small arms firearm (Pistol or Sub-Machine gun) if they are currently on a bounty, they cannot break into houses (Regardless if they are wanted or not), they cannot interfere with officers arresting the suspect with a bounty on their head, they must simply leave the bounty alone.

They have to try and apprehend the suspect without using force if necessary, if the suspect dies, then the bounty hunter would be incarcerated as he/she did not consider the safety of the individual (Basically means that they should call it in first, then gunpoint the suspect and try and apprehend them without killing them) - They should only take action if the bounty hunter's life is in immediate danger.

Bounty Hunters cannot break the law. This is simply to balance them out, if you do a load of bounties and grow drugs, it just becomes the best thing to do, and to be honest, I'd like only good RPers (For the RP not for the paycheck) to be able to have this position.

Citizens/Mayor(s) cannot place bounties, only a police lieutenant can issue them, they're bounty hunters, not assassins.

If a Law Enforcement Officer sees you shooting a suspect with a bounty on their head, the officer has a good reason to open fire on you, ensure you message the police service in some way to inform them you're in the area. If they tell you to put down the weapon, you must surrender yourself immediately (LEOs should take caution when taking firearms).

Bounty Hunters may not under ANY circumstances inform any member of the public of any bounties on anyone's head, even a friend in OOC or ICly.

Optional additions:
- An app in the phone that people with the whitelist can see, which shows all wanted players that are online (And those that are offline)
- Bounty Hunters can carry panic buttons.
- Bounty Hunters can access the police radio (Only to send a message) via a phone app.

INB4 Dumb - I'm open to suggestions, please write below, thanks!