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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: white masa / Paul White
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: I don't know.
His/Her SteamID: I don't know.
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was walking at city garage when he/she came from behind and ran me over. For no reason.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: Demo is 2500 ticks. You can watch it from start to end to see he didn't have proper reason to kill me.

You can check logs. This happened around 1:15PM GMT +2
I witnessed this myself, sitting next to him.

I gave the user a verbal warning as it happened, as that was all I could do at the time, due to not having access to any of my admin tools.

The user is a completely new player on the server, and I was trying to teach him how to play. Unfortunately, he went and drove you over (resulting in me repeatedly slamming my fist in the table while me and my friend(s) cry in laughter), and was promptly told: Don't do that.

this is why you don't tell friends join the server

I cannot say he didn't break the rules, but I do not believe that a ban should be issued, either.
Just had a look at the demo. To be fair he was driving into the City Garage and you ran across the entrance to get to the npc. It seems like it was an accident. Here's my reason:

* It was dark.

* You ran across the entrance of the car dealer during the time of him entering in the dark area, ending up in hitting you.


Seems like an accident to me and the user was verbally warned by niko
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