Break / Goodbye

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Over the last few days I've been considering leaving PERPheads, but some of my friends says it's a rushed decision, so I will take a break for a few days, a week, a month, I have not decided yet. I feel I've had enough.

Sure, it's great fun to play with my friends and raid, rob, grow and work but these last days/week it got out of hand.
Some people do not know when enough is enough and just continue, will not mention any names but hope they understand that it's not okay to harass people every day and as soon as you log into the server to play. Tired of arguing, tired of being targeted and tired of hearing all these insults. If you do not like a person, avoid that person, I though it was simple?

With those words, cya later. Or something like that.
that was bad :mad:
i hope you'll come back, you seemed to be a good RPlayer, it would be even worste for us if you leave
The administration team is there for you, and there to make your playtime the best it can be. Keep that in mind.

See you soon ;)