Mannerwaffel Messages 933 Reaction score 1,255 Points 340 Location Salzburg, Austria Aug 30, 2014 #1 Nuff said.:
Mannerwaffel Messages 933 Reaction score 1,255 Points 340 Location Salzburg, Austria Aug 30, 2014 Thread starter #3 See what happened: Spoiler: The result of what happened afterwards. Daymon died due to the fire and Jake died because of a burning radio. RIPerino.
See what happened: Spoiler: The result of what happened afterwards. Daymon died due to the fire and Jake died because of a burning radio. RIPerino.
draftking Messages 584 Reaction score 236 Points 475 Aug 30, 2014 #5 haha funny but there are drugs inside that truck and you need to jump/crouch to get there...
GhostaSD Messages 24 Reaction score 39 Points 155 Aug 30, 2014 #6 Oh so THAT is what blew up about 10 minutes ago... Wow, XD
joR Messages 2,682 Reaction score 7,405 Points 935 Aug 30, 2014 #7 Jake Greene strikes again, with a more logical approach.
Ben Lockwood Messages 372 Reaction score 515 Points 320 Location Hung Chows Home Sep 1, 2014 #8 A passer by would be no match for his sweater vest beretta fury.
тѕсм.Kermit Messages 104 Reaction score 112 Points 360 Location Germany Sep 7, 2014 #9 Hehe... That's good.. ;P - Kermit
Minilarro Messages 1,359 Reaction score 1,661 Points 575 Location Kongeriket Norge Sep 7, 2014 #10 This is glorious.