Server Suggestion Bring back "Discussions" Subforum under suggestions for NEW Reasons!

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Description of the idea:

Previously, we had to make a "Discussion" post and leave it open before submitting a formal suggestion. This was kind of whack, but the sub forum was somewhat useful, here me out.

You see a lot of suggestions that often have unexplained bits as the original poster had not taken the full extent of the idea into account, or issues were presented on the suggestion that they've had to patch over due to community reactions. Having "Discussions" back would prove very helpful.

Rather than being forced to by rules to make a discussion before a formal suggestion, this sub forum should be bought back for the purpose of people proposing a rough idea, and allow the community to come up with a great game plan for the full suggestion.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Would allow users with rough idea's to have the opportunity to finish the suggestion before suggesting it.
- Could be done in a moments work
- Less suggestions proposing a basic idea with minimal information about their idea.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Could end up a dust farm maybe?

What's wrong with just discussing it on the suggestion then editing idea?
What's wrong with just discussing it on the suggestion then editing idea?
People often "Fire and forget" Their votes on a suggestion without voicing the concern, Then don't check back to see the particular aspect they had an issue with patched over with a new, updated proposition, resulting in them not changing their votes and their downvote remaining active due to them not checking the thread.

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