Bring back minimum playtime to apply for officer.

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Is this a suggestion for a policy/handbook change: policy
Is this a new policy or a change to a current policy: This is a change to the current requirements to apply for officer.
What policy do you wish to change: I would like to see some form of minimum playtime reintroduced in order to apply for officer.
Why should this change/addition be made: A huge problem has arisen recently with individuals with no knowledge of the server whatsoever going on duty and causing havoc both for players and staff members. By re-introducing a minimum playtime requirement this would no longer be an issue and avoid many F6s/complaints from people on the server.

Other additions: This is not just an issue I have been experiencing:

"[OOC] hALLDALL: cops are shooting eachother outside of hospital"
"[OOC] hALLDALL: dude, the cops are playing cod in hospital rn"
I very rarely see cops blatantly RDMing and when it does happen action is usually taken quite quickly.
Personally, I think there shouldn't be a minimum time requirement - All it will do is deter people from playing the server, as they are limited to criminal activities which are often much harder to get into, especially when you know nothing about the game mode or map.
New players, as officers, get to patrol with supervisors and other ranks that teach them the game, learn them the map and help them. I think cop being available to new players is absolutely essential.
3 days playtime maybe. But tbh, most the people I’ve seen who are dicking about as cops are usually older players who come back once in a blue moon to troll and this wouldn’t stop that.
I’m all set, the police in their current state are rediculously underpowered, the more officers on duty the better. Even though it doesn’t change the odds of winning at all.
I can see why they are under powered when i was put in handcuffs and searched yesterday for "illegally parking" and being near the drug dealer NPC even though the police wouldnt have known it was the drug dealer NPC ;)
@platinum_miner The officer tried to speak to you for breaking traffic laws but you ran off into a dark alley way speaking to someone suspicious in which he initiated an investigation and detained you and searched you under law 3.7, he has at least 1 month play time and has been in the PD since January 2018 so this is a bit of a silly example to mention when talking about minimum play time
fair enough I stand corrected suppose there was to some degree confusion as I never saw the police officers or the other two individuals that were handcuffed for that matter so I'm not sure about the "ran off" part but it's a possibility I may have forgotten! but i'll take your word for it.

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I 100% agree with this i don't think it needs to be 3 days, 1 day would do a huge different!
@platinum_miner Well it's fine if you didn't see, I won't hold that against you at all but in the end, he originally wanted to stop you for breaking traffic laws/illegal parking but by the time he caught up to you you were already speaking with someone in an alley way so it's obviously pretty suspicious, after you failed to consent to his search, I searched you and confiscated your drugs and instructed him to give you a small ticket for illegal parking which I think was only $100

You're free to make an IA complaint on whoever you believe has acted unlawfully or committed misconduct, but other than him trying to be funny and telling you lot to do squats, although it was a joke it seems unprofessional and I'll speak to him about this myself, I must have missed this in-game, other than that, everything else he did seems fine to me and was just trying to conduct an investigation into who the driver was and what you were doing in the alley way
If a minimum playtime is brought back, it should only be a couple of hours, max 8. A lot of people join for the experience and to see what it is like.
I feel like if someone is an IG officer, and doesnt have a PLPD account, they arent facing IAs when they are wrongdoing. I feel like all officers need to have a PLPD account.
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