Bug Report (Holiday 2020 Snowman (doll))

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Type of Bug: Content

Description of the Bug: Holiday 2020 Snowman (doll)

How to reproduce the Bug: Idk

Time Stamp: 05/12/23 , GMT 16:00 - ?

Errors: Hello!, i had 2 snowman dolls and 1 of them just dissapeared, i gave 1 of the snowman to my friend Wyatt rodriguez (NOVA) by 1 of my chests, and i remember he gave it back to me using the chest aswell, but now i only have 1 snowman in total, Wyatt opened an f6 and an admin checked the logs and he saw that Wyatt is the last person to have it (but he does not), so i was told to open a bug report here.
We searched all our chests and trunks, even relogged.
In the video attached you can see i have 2 snowman dolls. 1 on the table and 1 in the chest

Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Mdhje_zk1I
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It looks like this may have had something to do with the server restart. The snowman has disappeared from the server so you can make a refund request if you have not already.