Community Suggestion Builder role adjustments

Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Builder role adjustments
Suggestion Description: Change the following for the Builder rank:

  • Scoreboard colour: Light purple (previous: Yellow)
  • Scoreboard position: Honorary - Helper (previous: Senior Helper - Enforcer)
    • Administrative staff who have been given a special Builder rank should remain at the previous level.

Why should this be added?:
Recently, there has been confusion where Builders are assumed to be Staff. This is probably in part due to their position on the scoreboard being above Senior Helper, and also the same colour as Senior Helper which makes it even harder to differentiate between them.

Using the old colour scheme of a greyish-purple as well as positioning the role tactically below Helper would alleviate this confusion and make it easier for Senior Administration to keep track of who has the Builder role still, as they would be separated more clearly.

What negatives could this have?:
None, I'm sure that Builders will appreciate a unique colour that doesn't look like piss.
I do agree that it's been some confusion about the temporary rank and some issues with some of the permissions but it should be fixed now.
To make it a new color and be further down on the list would help even more to show that they have no power when ir comes to administration.

People who use the rank to enforce the rules or actively acting like a staffmember to abuse the little power that the rank actually have will not be receiving the role again.
The old purple/pink color it had way before was way better fitting indeed, seeing as the color is not really used at the moment it would also be easier to keep it apart from actual staff.

The builder role is also perfectly balanced right now for actual building without any administrative powers, just the position on the tablist doesn't make sense indeed.

New order and colour scheme, builder has now been set to the same colour as Honorary, as I feel light purple is more easily confused with staff unlike Honorary which is known to be a non-staff colour as it is a darker version of User