Business and Shop changes

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East Grestin Border Checkpoint
Description of the idea:

A lot of people have been complaining that the shops and poker tables in V4 have impeded RP in some way, this would make it so that in the bank options the purchaser would be able to select whether they want NPCs to man the store and/or for poker tables to be put in.

However, by default, they are in the game so that players are still able to access the resources that they offer.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • Would improve RP potential.
  • Remove clutter from the map which may not be used.
  • Provide a legal money making method.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Players that own shops may have a monopoly on the goods that the NPC would usually sell:
    • (However) This would create a sense of urgency when the property is unowned/NPC is toggled and would create a legal method of creating money.
    • This would also give more use to the courier job.
  • Players may purchase the shop then ignore it completely for the entirety of their session or go as a police officer.
    • This could be counterbalanced through an NPC being placed when the person goes into a job.
*Other additions:
(Some of these are excessive, however, I felt them worth discussing)

  • The ability on the part of the owner to make some kind of profit from sales:
    • Base the amount of profit off the players' influence stat e.g. (Item purchased value * 0.1 * Influence Level).
  • When a courier is working, the amount of stock in the store fluctuates accordingly so that deliveries to shops are made and encouraged.
  • Potential for the addition of money laundering (although I find this to be very excessive).
I had an idea of suggesting being able to hire an NPC to front your shop awhile back but held off suggesting it as it takes the social interaction out of having to man a shop. Overall I do agree with this idea however.
This idea would only apply to those shops that already exist, this is so that if someone has a shop and jacks the price up or monopolies a resource, shops would spring up to start some competition.

Might also be interesting to be able to rob them so that there is a detriment to owning a shop as the money can be stolen by other players, however, once again, this is just me spitballing ideas.

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