
There's nothing wrong with that.
If you hear comments like that then just remember that they're only 13 year old downies whose parents haven't tought them how to accept society.
I am not homosexual, but I know how it feels. Sometimes, people think being "gay" is like having a disease.
I will never call you anything that will hurt you.
Thanks for atleast being honest.
It's all a bit of satirical banter mate, if anything, we are making fun of people who try to use homosexuality as either insults or jokes.
Don't take it personally, if you ask them to stop, they will, if not, don't associate yourself with them specifically.

"Josh Morrison? More like Josh Morri-Gay" - @Hazza56
Someone's sexuality is not the way someone should be judged, yet modern society is still full of homophobes. I have three gay friends who I would class as very close. I don't mind that you are homosexual, I respect your sexuality, don't let anyone judge you.
Just want to start off by saying that I personally feel this is probably something that is too personal to post on a gaming forums, but at the end of the day its your choice.

Its understandable how this could be annoying, however as already said its nothing you should take seriously.
i am not like everyone else (not saying that it js like i am way different), no i am not a spooky scary skeleton,
No.. i am homosexual..
Mate, I could find at least 2 other LGBT members in this community (excluding me).
Don't single yourself out, if you're having a bit of trouble with the whole thing, that will make it worse.
It is nothing to be ashamed of- if anything, you posting this thread shows your honesty, which I like.
People say "gay" as an insult because of the large amount of others around them which use it but very few of them mean it harmfully.

As much as I like your honesty and such, I to believe that posting this on a gaming community is not the greatest idea- most players are not mature enough to handle disclosure's such as this one, but that is just what I think.

Nobody will judge you based on what you think, in my opinon- it just makes you an extra special person.
If anyone annoys the shit out of you or discriminates you for your sexual preference just talk to a staff member, we're here to help anyone that needs our attention, also pretty sure discriminating or being disrespectful for being gay is against all rules and community policy. We're here for you ;)
I remember speaking to you yesterday on teamspeak. Im strictly against Homophobia, but i do admit that it does happen from time to time that a word slips out of my mouth.

I dont know if i said anything like that to you, but if i did, i just wanna say sorry.

I find nothing wrong in being homosexual, and im happy that you had the guts to tell us all about this, it really requires nerves! I think everyone should be treated with respect, no matter: Race, Skin color, sexuality, sex. I mean, we are all human beings right?

So proud of you man! ;)
I know you now for nearly a year and didn't knew it untill yet and to be honest: What I think about you hasnt changed. You are a special human being as everyone else here is, there's nothing you need to be ashamed of. Sadly many people think that being homo- or bisexual is like an illness and that in the 2015; that is a shame. I don't have homo- or bisexual friend IRL or they just haven't told it to me and even if they are, I wouldn't really care about it, as they are just other humans and friends of mine; being homo- or biseuxal wouldn't change that in any way.
And if anyone wants to discriminate Roj or anyone else here: If you do it you will have at least one new enemie.
Best thing to do is contact a staff member and they will be dealt with. Most meaning it playfully but it does still offend people.
Pretty sure everyone knows this but why the fuck not?
I'm bisexual leaning towards men more.
Roy , I've known you for over a year now and you are an awesome guy. I don't care if you are homosexual or hetero or whatever. The next person that harasses you will end up like this:

Why post this? It's looks like you're...


Seriously, who cares if you're gay or whatever. I don't care what sexual orientation you are. All in all,
People will always be immature on the web. Just report it and someone will deal with it :).
It's alright, @AyJay is also gay, people really like Ayjay, and he really likes them back if you know what I mean. Most of the time people use faggot not as an insult meaning they are gay, but as an insult meaning they are stupid ect