Can I have a list of burned props from this AR?

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I need to make a RR. I was told I can have it once the AR is solved. I only know my blue crates are missing, I don't know/remember what else burned
I've just checked logs for you and I can confirm none of your props burnt. The only thing which seems to have been affected by the fire was one bobby pin which ended up being sent to your storage.
I dealt with this in game the day it happened and at the time didn't find anything burnt but I'll double check.

Edit: According to logs, nothing was burnt. Not anything that belonged to you, at least. Did other people own the props?
I dealt with this in game the day it happened and at the time didn't find anything burnt but I'll double check.

Edit: According to logs, nothing was burnt. Not anything that belonged to you, at least. Did other people own the props?
Did anything else burn at the time? Maybe its bugged bc of the server restart or something, I am 1 million percent sure I am missing at least blue crates if nothing else. Did any blue crates show up in logs?
I just checked the demo and the shop looked different than I remembered it, and only used 5 blue crates. It's possible I mixed something up, if u can confirm nothing burned at all even after I logged out it's cool TY
I've just checked logs for you and I can confirm none of your props burnt. The only thing which seems to have been affected by the fire was one bobby pin which ended up being sent to your storage.
I've just checked logs for you and I can confirm none of your props burnt. The only thing which seems to have been affected by the fire was one bobby pin which ended up being sent to your storage.
I see, thank you for your help. I guess I was just paranoid, but in the Demo my shop looked different than I remembered and I never placed those blue crates to begin with. Sorry for the inconvinience thx again