Capalot Ban Dispute

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: [PH] The SPOOK

Your Steam Name: CapalotBlickyy
Your In-game Name: Sosa Silver
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107800114

Why were you banned?: I was banned because a player had done an action request on me. Thinking that I had broken rule 3.4 when he had his gun out attempting to mug me at the drug dealer location near RC in the city.
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: Why I feel the ban is invalid is because I hadn't broken any rules when he was attempting to mug me, my claim I have to back that up is I had already been aware he was after me and my friend as he was circling are base at Slum apartments with his vehicle several times in a short time span. My friend knew I was going to the Drug Dealer and at the time I had informed him on my whereabouts so at the time he is at Gas Station refilling his car. When I arrive to the Drug Dealer I immediately pull out my knife once I exit my vehicle and have it in my hands as it's an Lethal weapon and also me just taking precaution as I had made more than one trip previous to the current trip I had been making. The Minute I hit the corner I see him with his gun out before he spots me and me being aware of his intentions there to try to mug me I attempt to stab him to defend myself in the situation before he begins to fire shots killing me, he was only 1 meter away from me so that's my reasoning to why I had tried to stab him. After the shots rang out my friend happened to be nearby hearing them, so he comes to the Drug Dealer but before he arrives he starts getting shot at by the person that attempted to mug me, then he engages and it becomes a shoot out leading to the attempted Mugger getting killed. If I can be given a time on when the mugging took place I can provide a demo as this happened many days ago that I cannot remember when exactly.

Thanks and have a good day to the administrator that takes my appeal into consideration I enjoy playing on the server on a daily basis and hope we can get this sorted out.

Additional Comment(s):
Evidence (Required for all server bans):

We believe you broke 3.4 in the situation, seeing as you were under gunpoint. We do however feel that a 1 week ban is a bit harsh, so this will be changed to a warning.

@Super_ @Blackdown
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