Car Prices

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OK, so today i went to the car dealer because i had around 100k. I thought to myself "I must be able to get a decent car with this amount of money!" My thought turned out to be wrong. The car i could get for that price range was a mini cooper and i'm not driving that thing again... Before I would be close to getting a fast car that looks nice for 100k but that has changed.

So, my point is could you maybe lower the car prices just a little bit because you can't assume everyone is rich!
The prices are outrageous, the S5 used to be 500k and was one of the fastest cars, now it is 900k and the max speed is 85mph. All the cars are overpriced and right now it is annoying they are so expensive, please lower them
CaptainHerbert said:
The prices are outrageous, the S5 used to be 500k and was one of the fastest cars, now it is 900k and the max speed is 85mph. All the cars are overpriced and right now it is annoying they are so expensive, please lower them
The logic in this just doesn't make sense to me. They need to change it!
I do agree "With some of the cars" not all the cars are overpriced, i think the bugatti's, Zonda, Lambo's, Ferrari's. Should be the price they are, the Audi S5 could get a little lower in price i agree.
GhostFanta said:
I do agree "With some of the cars" not all the cars are overpriced, i think the bugatti's, Zonda, Lambo's, Ferrari's. Should be the price they are, the Audi S5 could get a little lower in price i agree.
I agree once again! Maybe you are right with the "super car" prices but most of the rest are just too overpriced!
Furthermore, 1.7 mllion used to get you a nice Lamborghini and very nice guns but now you can get a 80 MPH car and like 2 guns...
Yeah, atleast the regular-everyday cars should be bit cheaper. I mean, let's say I want a Citroen C1 for everyday transportation. Neither will i ruin the server with it, nor will i look "COOL" with it. It's like we actually don't have a choice.. A person who can make enough money to buy a Prius, can make enough to buy a Ferrari or anything.
I see some really good points in this thread, but lets look at this more closely. We have to remember that this is a SeriousRP roleplay server, which means there's going to be a lot of passive RP to go along with this. When we look at real life terms, vehicles are a lot cheaper than what they are in-game. But looking at the stand-point of the games script, with paychecks of government employees and different ways to make money (mostly criminal) the amount of money made is way higher than the average paycheck for minimum wage. Meaning if they were to lower to price of the so called 'fast' cars, more than half the server would have one. In all honesty I'm fine with how the cars are at the moment, it should be a privilege to have a car and to drive one around the map. We have to remember the economy is mostly ran by the players and the script, with the Mayor Job and how much people sell their weapons, etc. for at the local shops. But going off of what most people are saying, sure I agree with, the 'middle class' cars at the moment, do seem a bit pricy, but the general 'high class' cars seem to be fine at the moment from my stand-point. Which is what the administration of the server was going for probably. Just throwing in my two cents.
I totally agree. I think that the everyday cars like the Citroen C1, Citroen c4, Toyota Prius, ford focus SVT (new one) should all be lowered in price. They are everyday cars not the typical "supercars" I agree with the fast expensive cars but the everyday cars should be lowered to a max of 200k.
Yeah like, what's even the meaning, my Mini can't even climb a hill. And not to mention that bus drivers/taxi drivers barely exist in the server
Irl Bugatti's are around $1,100,000, S5's are like $75,000 tops and mini coopers are around $20,000. All the cars are 4/5x the irl cost.
Yes decrease the price of cars, even cars like the Toyota subra (the one shown in the car dealer is a 1987 model) it should be around 300k not 650k...
I Think that the cars are too expensive, i dont Think a audi s5 cost 700000 800000 irl, maybe im wrong.
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