Server Suggestion Casino expansion: The ability to operate a casino in a property legally or Illegally.

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Description of the idea:

The ability to convert an existing property into a "Legal" or "Illegal" casino.

The basics:
- To start off, the mayor should be able to set a gambling tax. The gambling tax details:
+ The maximum will be 50%, The minimum will be 10%. The mayor will NOT be able to set gambling tax to 0.
+ The tax will only affect the profits of the house, not the gambler.
- 2 NPC's will be located in different places which will allow you to open your own casino.
+ Legal Casino: Bank teller NPC.
+ Illegal casino: Pub at the docks.
- When establishing a casino, NPC's will "Rent" out casino game machines / tables. The Prices for these should be:
+ Fruity fortunes: $5000
+ The yellow one: $7500
+ Small poker table: $5000 (Or with the org perk granting this item)
+ Blackjack (Low): $5000
+ "Renting" these items will put them in your inventory, to be equipped and placed in the same manner as chemical tables and crafting benches, just with more suitable locations.

The difference between legal and Illegal gambling:
Legal gambling pays taxes, and the property can be marked as a Casino on the door text.
Illegal gambling does not pay tax, and is marked as a regular property.

When a casino game is Illegal, police will be able to confiscate it, Which grants the officers a similar confiscation fee to a handgun, with the benefit of boosted city funds.

Legal casino spots should include:
- Morons shipping co.
- Farm
- Hungriges Schwein
- Parker
- Glass co
- The Office
- Business shops (Slot machines only. Org Poker tables will be place-able.)
- Large subs houses.
- Bazaar shops.

Illegal gambling spots should include:
- All above mentioned properties.
- Wood Cabins.
- Slums and Projex apartments.
- Small Subs houses.
- Regals apartments.

Police will be able to check if a casino is legal by checking the property owners Police record. Upon registration of a casino, or upon respawn if the player owns a legal casino, a police remark will be added to the users record, stating "(Property name) was registered as a casino". Cops can also see on doors if the property is a registered casino.

How casino games will work for players:
Player owned slot machines will be quieter to not piss off neighbours.
The minimum default token amount will be $10, The max will be $500.
The budget of a slot machines will be placed into the NPC. This increases with wins and decreases with losses.
If the casinos budget is too low for the machine to offer any sort of payout, the machine will shut off and players will not be able to access it.
The money from poker is all player money and therefor will not be affected by the casino budget.
The prizes will be funded from the budget you set at the NPC.
The budget of your casino will increase and decrease depending on patron wins.

Other functions:
- Police seizing your illegal machines will result in you having the value of the machine deducted from your overall budget.
- /roll gambling will not be taxed as doing so would be impossible really.
- Poker will not affect your casino budget as all the money is betted by patrons and goes to the winner. Due to this, it cannot be taxed.

Cashing out of winnings or putting more money into a casino as an owner:
- The money from a casino can be obtained, as well as the budget of your casino can be adjusted from the NPC of which you hired the equipment off of. Part of the income will be taxed by the city depending on the tax. In Illegal casinos, There will always be a 10% Tax from the NPC, However this will grant more Organisation XP.

What happens if you lose all your money you put into the casino:
As said before, you can't lose any money you didn't put into the NPC.

Pro's and Con's of Illegal VS Legal casinos:
+ Police cannot shut it down and seize your machines / games.
+ More accessible to the public.
- Less Org XP
- More taxed income.

+ Significantly more org XP
+ Fixed tax rate as opposed to flexible.
+ The property can be used for other criminal activities such as drug dealing.
- Cops can raid and shut down the casino as well as seize machines.
- Less accessible.

Other considerations for this idea (Not solid plans, just notes):
Maybe for legal casinos, Mugging and raiding could be disallowed?
Police could have the power to seize either the entire generated income of said casino, or just have money deducted from the casino winnings depending on seized items.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Allows for more RP in general.
- Puts this new feature in player hands, allowing them to make money from it.
- Could provide city funding and shift the meta of mayoral taxes.
- Mafia RP addition.
- The casino, legal or illegal, could act as a front for players laundering money from criminal activity.

- Gives police officers something new to do rather than shoving their heads into doors, stopping cars and shooting people who break the law.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Issues could arise from players with casinos disconnecting / timing out (I'll leave this to the developers to think of a solution as I'm not Lua Savvy)
- Could be too easy money.
- Issues could arise with the legality of shooting over a casino being shut down, etc.

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