Casual Day on Perp

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My House
Your Steam/In-game Name: Yaseen/Alfred Robinson @Google Chrome/Bob Bobov
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Robin/Robin Jensen CrixxzeH/Ben Depiero nickjedl/Sam Vertongen
His/Her SteamID: Nickjedl ---> STEAM_0:1:58678274 Crixxzeh---> STEAM_0:0:17414969 Robin--->STEAM_1:0:89675285
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
PART 1 (Robin) Me and Bob proceeded to raid Bazaar Shop 5, in fact, there are drugs inside, Sam Vertongen complied and he got inside but Robin decided to stall at gunpoint I started counting to 0 giving her time to move inside a little bit more so i can close the door but she didn't so she didn't leave me a choice but to kill her and drag her body inside.
Part 2 (Nickjedl) Nickjedl started to drop his items at a price using the cash register but + when he was gagged he proceeds to speak like nothing is happening
Part 3 (Crixxzeh) Crixxzeh decided to save his friend full knowledge, my friends outside kosing cops and they can kill him if he comes nearby but he decided to continue and unlock the back door of the shop to kill us both me and Bob.
Part 4 (Crixxzeh and Nickjedl) after killing us both me and Bob, both of them decided to store our guns immediately, the time he finished storing his guns he went outside and got killed by my friends I mentioned they were kosing cops.

Evidence (Demo Required):


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What's the point in mentioning me as "part 2" when you can't even tell yourself what rules I broke?

For the "so we can buy his items lol" part: I was indeed dropping at a price and as soon as you told me and I understood I picked them all up and dropped them as free items.
As far as I knew, both my muggers were dead. Proceeded was me safely storing my belongings in my storage container. It's also worth mentioning I did not leave the shop after I stored the items.

Another thing: There were no drugs inside to my knowledge, neither are any drugs visible on the demo.

If I would bother, I would make an action request on you to show that you had no actual reason to mug us because we weren't displaying any expensive items, you mugged us with 2 people outside and the door wide open, in the bazaar that has a camera at the highway side...
What's the point in mentioning me as "part 2" when you can't even tell yourself what rules I broke?

For the "so we can buy his items lol" part: I was indeed dropping at a price and as soon as you told me and I understood I picked them all up and dropped them as free items.
As far as I knew, both my muggers were dead. Proceeded was me safely storing my belongings in my storage container. It's also worth mentioning I did not leave the shop after I stored the items.

Another thing: There were no drugs inside to my knowledge, neither are any drugs visible on the demo.

If I would bother, I would make an action request on you to show that you had no actual reason to mug us because we weren't displaying any expensive items, you mugged us with 2 people outside and the door wide open, in the bazaar that has a camera at the highway side...
are you serious ? i never said you got out after everything was done + you broke 3.18 but i said you didnt broke any rules during the muggery but you did after. and is this a salt-comeback ??? as you dont need a reason to mug someone , you can mug anyone you want... you been perma banned for a long time and you got 9 bans in records dont tell me how to apply the server rules
i never said you got out after everything was done
I also never said you said that, but I said it was worth mentioning.
you broke 3.18 but i said you didnt broke any rules during the muggery but you did after.
I strongly disagree, you were both my muggers. In my eyes, both of you were killed by my friend. So it was clear for me to store the weaponry (one of which you took from me)
I would also like to refer to the quote above where you say yourself that "everything was done".
and is this a salt-comeback ??? as you dont need a reason to mug someone , you can mug anyone you want...
It kinda has to do with 3.4 Putting your life at risk and 2.1 Playing realistically. Would you really attempt to mug two people in real life in your city's busiest marketplace when there are definitely people around?
you been perma banned for a long time and you got 9 bans in records dont tell me how to apply the server rules
Yes, I could go the route of checking your ban's and warnings and seeing that you also have quite a few warnings and bans on record. But I won't go that route because they're over a year ago. Mine are all older than 3 years.
I wanna add that i gaged you and you were screaming at me while gaged
That is indeed very true and I apologize for it. It's not an excuse but you and your friend were shouting a whole lot of different things and it got to me a bit too much.
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I arrived at bazar way after you was shooting cops. When I arrived there was no shooting going on as I would of ran to safety in order to stay alive and minimise the risk of me being shot.

Upon arrival there was no one remotely close to the shop (front and back), I hear sams voice inside in distress and another 2 unknown voices, so I obviously am aware of the situation(you mugging him), with nobody covering the shop I managed to get in without being seen nor stopped.

I go to the back entrance, unluck the door and wait a thew seconds. Once I've killed you both, I lock both doors and managed to store the guns and then bandage. (In this time, no attemp was made to breach either of the shop door, no shots were discharged after initial killing of Bob and Alfred, no verbal threat was heard being shouted by any of your so called 'freinds') -

I understand you are saying my friends are outside with weapons. However how am I able to make it into the shop undected? Even if they were outside at the time of storage they made no indication they were outside and I can not see through walls, so at that point whilst the doors are locked and I presume their is no one outside so I store the weapon and then have time to bandage BEFORE any initial attemp was made both verbally and physically to gain entrance to the shop.

after that I unlocked and un opened the back door un armed and got shot in the face by Max Kuy without no warning or hesitation.

Can you please tell me where my life was in immediate danger upon storing the weapons?
I’m Robin Jansen and this video is my POV of the situation:
To make my defense easier to follow, I’ll use the timestamps of the video

Here we see Bob Bobov pulling his weapon outside of the shop.
Let’s take rule 5.1 Mugging, it states: “Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.”
My shop itself is clearly a public place, as the place where he pulls the gun is not behind any doors or fences, and can easily be seen by anyone walking through the bazaar.

Here we have a clear view of the fact that after almost 10 seconds the shop’s door is still not closed after forcing my friend in at gunpoint. Count to 10 in your head, and decide for yourself if you find that long enough for someone to call the police.
We must also note that Alfred Robinson is gun pointing me in order to kidnap me in the middle of the bazaar hallway. This place can be seen by people at the car dealer, car dealer gas station, rear bazaar parking lot, the highway, all other shop owners / visitors and the camera that is on the opposite side of the bazaar hallway. Not disabling this camera is according to me breaking a deviation of 3.21 Non-Player Characters (NPCs).

Here, I’m counting all the witnesses to the situation. There are 3, 3 people could call the police, and any other that could show up could too.
Please excuse my use of the n-word.

You can see my inventory here for a split second, I only have some basic items in my inventory so the argument I was making him kill me so I wouldn’t lose anything valuable shouldn’t be made.

I even state the fact that he is able to push me with his fists. I agree, I should have moved myself. But this reckless mugging pissed me off.
As for the counting, you can hear I wasn’t able to hear him count because I was speaking myself.

Not time related
The only things displayed are 4 bobby pins. Is this really a good indication that me and my friend were worth mugging? I also think he’s breaking 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk by this.
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After reading through your replies, I'm fully aware that a few people involved have issues with the location and manner of this mugging. If that is still the case, then please make another Action Request (dealing with 30 different issues at once makes my brain hurt)

First off, I believe that Robin (@DutchyRobin) broke 3.4 within this video - The gunpoint quite evidently was not followed to a good standard, and this ultimately stalled the entire situation.

I even state the fact that he is able to push me with his fists. I agree, I should have moved myself. But this reckless mugging pissed me off.
As for the counting, you can hear I wasn’t able to hear him count because I was speaking myself.

You can see my inventory here for a split second, I only have some basic items in my inventory so the argument I was making him kill me so I wouldn’t lose anything valuable shouldn’t be made.

This really makes little sense to me, you can't possibly be saying "oh I didn't have anything on me worth mugging, so I thought I'd get myself killed". Your main focus shouldn't be what you could be losing, it's simply staying alive, that's what the rule 3.4 is about. Regardless of your issues with the situation, you have an obligation to follow the rules, justifying this by defending yourself saying 'I wanted him to kill me' isn't what you should be doing. You have no fear for your life in this clip, you're just being stubborn as you disagree with the situation, that isn't how you should be playing.

> Robin will be receiving a 3 day ban for this breach of 3.4

Secondly, Nickjedl (@nickjedl) should of understood he was gagged and should not of spoken whilst he was. I understand he most likely forgot, however he will be spoken to regarding 3.26 in a PM. I don't believe he attempted to be malicious with the cash register however, and this was quickly resolved so I'll let that slide.

> Nick will be spoken to privately regarding his brief breach of rule 3.26

As for Crixxzeh (@THECRX) - From what I can see from the evidence provided, he found an opportunity to save his friends and took it, I don't see an issue with that? You can't possibly expect to be able to mug someone in their own shop, and it all be safe for you, you should of been at least a little cautious. Again, I don't see an issue w/ this part so I won't be handing out any punishment for this.

> No punishment will be given to Crixxzeh, as no rules were broken here.

Finally, the storing of guns. It's pretty clear that these guns were thrown into the storage a little bit too quickly.

3.18 Storages and trunks
While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person. This includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

The scenario which happened here was an extremely volatile one, and more time should of been taken prior to putting these guns in storage. It's the fact that it was not confirmed if their lives were in immediate danger which is the issue, it was most likely known that the muggers had friends in the bazaar who wouldn't be too happy. In future, time should be taken and all threats in the area should be resolved prior to storing weapons from the situation.

> Crixxzeh and NickJedl will receive a warning for their breach of 3.18.
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