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Your Steam/In-game Name: _Patrxk / Brian Johnson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: AndyAir / Caine Coast
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98351704
Why Should This Player Be Punished: As i left the bank i decided to go to a shop and i crossed the road using the cross walk and after i crossed the road i stood on the pavement and turned around and saw this guy in a Mini driving and suddenly turn towards me and ram his car into me. I believe that the player did not RP properly and also broke 3.4 (according to admin)
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 40,000
I think what you are looking for is him breaking rule 3.15 really. He could also be seen as breaking 3.4. There is no rule against CDM itself, as long as the user can provide a valid reason for doing so.
He was defending his friend. I heard that the lamp post brightens up his day most of the time.

On a serious note the evidence is clear and he had no reason at all to CDM you.
First of all who was saying lets raid farm - in front of many NPC's.

But yes I +Support he drove his car right into you unless he can prove something like lag etc then there is a reason but from now i +Support
The video does show that he just ran you over on the sidewalk. Which is not realistic.

2.1 - User did NOT act in a realistic manner. No person IRL would randomly run someone over in front of the bank.

3.4 - User killed another man for no reason. Premeditated Murder, first degree would give him a long sentence.

3.15 (Possibly) - With his speed he is likely to have hit the lightpost aswell seing as he had enough speed to kill you.

+Support. This user clearly broke the rules and should be punished.

One question: Why did you punch the lightpost?

2.1 Play Realistically-This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all times; because life is not ‘black and white’, there is potential for some scenarios to have not been included in this document, these rules are also not necessarily ‘written in stone’, meaning that exceptions can be made where appropriate - any such exceptions are purely determined by an administrator’s discretion.

If an administrator believes you have broken a rule and/or acted inappropriately/unrealistically, you will be expected to discuss the situation(s)/incident(s) with the administrator, and you will also be expected to justify your action(s); if you unable to appropriately and effectively justify yourself when requested, an appropriate form of punishment will be enacted.
3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable.

Risks are deemed to be unreasonable when it can’t be appropriately and effectively justified; for example, if a player was to rob the bank and fail, leading to their death, that player would be expected to demonstrate to an administrator that they had a realistic and reasonable plan and/or mind-set to succeed.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically; for example, if a player kills another player, which results in the former’s death and/or imprisonment, it will mean that the player has failed and unless they can effectively and appropriately demonstrate/prove that they had a realistic and reasonable plan to succeed, an appropriate punishment will be enacted.

A common example would be for a player to murder a Police Officer in order to avoid receiving a traffic ticket; this would likely result in the enactment of an administrative punishment because this specific example is deemed to be inappropriate - this is because the risk (death/life-imprisonment) involved with the murder of a Police Officer is grossly disproportionate to the benefit of avoiding a traffic ticket, typically.

Another common example would be for a player to violate traffic laws without a good/reasonable reason.
3.15 Vehicle Damage- Players are not allowed to take action that is likely to lead to the damaging of their vehicle
(except speeding within reason), or a vehicle belong to a friend unless they have a good/reasonable reason for doing
so; for example, driving off-road on uneven terrain or intentionally driving into sides of buildings without good/reasonable
reason is not allowed. For a reason to be deemed as good/reasonable, the benefit of committing such actions must outweigh
the drawbacks.
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I will be giving my support for this AR request as it is clear he violated many rules.

First he broke 2.1 by not acting realistically, this is because you wouldn't randomly run someone over who was walking on a path.
Then he broke 3.4 by comitting murder in the first degree for no reason at all, if the person who he ran over died then he would easily get a 10 year sentence for first degree murder.
Also, it is almost guarenteed that he broke 3.15 by damaging his vehicle, one from the impact from when he ran him over, and two he more than likely hit the lamp post as he was going at a fast enough speed to not be able to stop in time after he had hit the pedestrian so he would of gone straight into the lamp post, leading into even more damage for his vehicle.
Finally, he broke 6.3 majorly by saying let's raid farm in front of many NPCs, including that guy who got ran over.

To sum it all up:
Considering he was just unbanned on friday for breaking 3.4 and 2.1 with a couple of other rules he should be given a consequence that will actually make him think about his actions in my eyes. Oh and he also had a warning on friday, his unban date, for also breaking 3.4. His ban hasn't really taught him a lesson considering he has broken 3.4 twice since his unban date a couple of days ago. This was the action request that he got his warning from:
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As Ive said before in the sit. I had just brought the Mini cooper and I did not know the turn rate. And I turned it a bit too early and hit him standing on the pavement! I cannot really prove this... But thats the only explanation I can give! Its not lag nor anything. It was my fault.

User will be spoken to about his actions and a conclusion will be drawn from said discussion, thanks for making this action request.
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