Model Suggestion Chainsaw melee weapon.

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Suggestion Title: Chainsaw melee weapon.
Suggestion Description: Adding a chainsaw melee weapon.

Unlike regular melee weapons, the chainsaw should come with the following differences:
- It should be a primary weapon.
- It should show on your back.
- It should take “Ammo” in the form of Fuel cans. It should have a percentage value similar to the one you see on Fire extinguishers, and clicking the chainsaw in your inventory will open a status bar of you “refuelling” the chainsaw.

The damage output should outweigh that of most other melee weapons, and it should work as such with these controls:
- Pressing R should Toggle the chainsaw on and off. When off, the saw should be held in a passive rifle style stance, and when activated, should be held in a “hip fire” pose stance, similar to the Battering ram.
- Holding left click should make the chainsaw begin sapping away the HP of whoever you are pointing it towards.
- Right click should produce a bash attack, shoving someone like a push. Good for knocking people back if they try to run.

The chainsaw would have the following drawbacks over other melees:
- Should take ammo in the form of fuel cans, each fuel can producing 1 minute of sawwing.
- This weapon will not be concealable like other melees.
- This would take up the primary slot.
- Would need to be powered up before it can be used, making it a melee weapon with a passive stance.
- When turned on and used it would produce a noticeable sound to indicate that it is in use. Not super loud but a similar radius to the sound of someone getting slashed with a Katana.

Maybe making it able to cut doors open in a very balanced manner wouldn’t be too bad but to make it fair it would need to be a significant time before the door opens.

Similar to this addon but not as loud or clunky.

Suggested crafting recipe:
The Chainsaw should have components, with the following recipes:
- Chainsaw Chain:
2x Refined metal (50% Pure)
- Chainsaw Chassis:
1x refined metal (50% Pure)
1x Refined metal (25% Pure)
3x Chunk of plastic.
2x scrap electronics
1x box of springs.
- Chainsaw guide bar:
1x Refined metal (50% Pure)
1x Metal rod.

Why should this be added?:
- Following 3.4 from a melee weapon would make more sense to players who don’t realise you can knife point people if said knife is a roaring chainsaw.
- Realistic weapon.
- Sweaters defending small properties can reduce sweater raiders into a fine red goop.
- People can roleplay as Tree Surgeons.
- Completely different to regular melees.
- Would be good for events too! Parker Raid with Chainsaw Raiders VS PPK defenders would be sick.

What negatives could this have?:
- Chainsaw Zerg (Would be fucking amazing to watch)
- More effort than adding another knife or hammer.
- Sweaters might think we greenlit Leatherface RP and launch the Paralake Bazaar Chainsaw Massacre. (massrdm with a chainsaw would be somewhat funnier and less obstructive than them doing it with a gun though)

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Adding an insanely viable melee which competes with firearms, shifting metas of the game in their current state, and also allowing it to be used as a prop or item for passiveRP.
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Round 2 I see?
Round 2 I see?
I won’t rest til I see some sweater raider org lose a 4 v 1 to a sweater with a chainsaw.
If this was to be added I would like it to be 3 parts( handle, chain and the main block) where the chain have a risk of breaking when used at doors or after long use on people.
shifting metas of the game in their current state
I don't think this suggestion solves anything toward "shifting the metas", while the chainsaw offers a unique and powerful melee option, it comes with drawbacks such as the need for fuel cans, and passive stance until powering up, the loud noise and inability to conceal it won't alter any existing metas, I just wanted to state

What is the suggested price for the chainsaw?
I don't think this suggestion solves anything toward "shifting the metas", while the chainsaw offers a unique and powerful melee option, it comes with drawbacks such as the need for fuel cans, and passive stance until powering up, the loud noise and inability to conceal it won't alter any existing metas, I just wanted to state

What is the suggested price for the chainsaw?
I'll update the suggestion to include an example recipe.
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I think something like this would need a practical use beyond combat...and I don't think adding in a lumberjack job or some shit will really benefit perp.

Not entirely opposed but it really just seems like a gimmick.
I think something like this would need a practical use beyond combat...and I don't think adding in a lumberjack job or some shit will really benefit perp.

Not entirely opposed but it really just seems like a gimmick.
Why would it need a practical use beyond combat? Dude, It's literally a chainsaw...

A weapon like this could be used to prove a point. Think about it. You wanna slash a guys tires or do you want to saw his cars tires off and drain its health where its parked? Are you going to shoot a guy you have KOS on? Weak. That's what nerds do. No one thinks thats hard. Use a chainsaw? I think that alone is a statement and a half.

A Melee weapon that would drain HP and finish someone off quickly like a chainsaw would absolutely have a place here.
Why would it need a practical use beyond combat? Dude, It's literally a chainsaw...

A weapon like this could be used to prove a point. Think about it. You wanna slash a guys tires or do you want to saw his cars tires off and drain its health where its parked? Are you going to shoot a guy you have KOS on? Weak. That's what nerds do. No one thinks thats hard. Use a chainsaw? I think that alone is a statement and a half.

A Melee weapon that would drain HP and finish someone off quickly like a chainsaw would absolutely have a place here.
There's already melee weapons, if you need a stronger one, I don't see why we couldn't just buff one. Adding in landscaping equipment for the lulz is just bloat, especially if it's only use is combat.

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