Model Suggestion Cheap breakable target prop.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Suggestion Title: Cheap breakable target prop.
Suggestion Description: Add a cheap target prop that splinters/breaks like wood when shot once to allow people to train their firearms skill. People could then rent farm or the woods and train their firearms skill, possibly even creating player owned kill house courses (different than the ingame gun range).

Why should this be added?:
- Allows people to make their own custom firing ranges and get positive feedback on if they hit the target.
- Gives more reason for the gunstore to exist.

What negatives could this have?:
- Makes the range slightly less useful.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: A lack of good props that one can use to train their firearm skills as currently the only way is to raid people/do crime.

Useful Images:
I dont think it should be breakable if one were added however discharging a firearm outside of the context of self preservation is a crime, and I'd rather not have every back of a bazaar shop turned into a gun range.
you want to turn paralake into 2011 afghanistan? sounds totally rad my man! (ps. go to the firing range and stop being lazy)

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