chem table limit

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Description of the idea: Remove or increase the chemical table limit per property

Why should this be added? (pros): I see no reason why this is a thing, there's already a limit on each property (slots where you can place them) and 4 chem tables at glass, puffer, parker, office etc is ridiculous as those properties are meant for a lot of people and most of the time there's fights over chem table slots.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Orgs would be able to make even more money than before?

*Other additions:

Technically we don't make more money as the leaves were already inside our storages and we all grow while drying.
Encourages people to not have 10 people in 1 base and base seperately. I dont think you need that much of a zerg to have more than 4 people drying at once.
While I really agree with Dai, it would be a lot more interesting, and realistic, to have people doing multiple jobs all over. Maybe increasing the amount at least in the office and glassco/parker makes sense. Even if orgs were to split up, just having four chem tables for these huge properties just doesn't make sense.
The table limit for each property is a way to ensure you don’t have 30 people basing inside Parker. It also forces bigger groups of players to either purchase several properties or make money via weed/crafting.

I’m not anywhere near my PC so I can’t check exact numbers, but 4 or 5 tables in properties like glass co, Parker and the office sounds like a pretty good number. You don’t want to have those tables too close if one blows up.

Its been a while since I based and grew drugs but I think we have a good balance for bigger groups of people, meth, weed, coke, fishing, crafting... not everyone have to do meth and weed at the same time. There should be some kind of down side to be in a big org...
In the future we will have even more methods of earning money for players and organisations, such as missions.
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