Server Suggestion Make Chem Tables stay until cleared after disconnecting


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Suggestion Title: Make Chem Tables stay until cleared after disconnecting
Suggestion Description: Make Chemical Tables function the same as planters when a player leaves - so that they don't disappear until they're cleared of any drugs.

just had a guy insta DC after a raid and I was finishing his meth and the table just disappeared when it was nearly done

Why should this be added?:
- People can't instantly DC after raids to prevent you from getting anything.
- Chemical tables don't disappear after you've added lye to coke/lye & starch to meth to finish it

What negatives could this have?:
- More profit from raids? lol
good thing to add but maybe add a timer too since you can move planters but not tables, meaning minges (e.g me) could place a table in every apartment and dc
good thing to add but maybe add a timer too since you can move planters but not tables, meaning minges (e.g me) could place a table in every apartment and dc
then people could just clear them and they'd despawn and would get free drugs from them

I'll have a look if I can easily transfer this the same way we did with the drugs

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