- Staff
- #1

Paralake Police Department
Chief of Department Election
I am pleased to announced that the election for the next Chief of Department is now open.
There will be two rounds.
- In round one you will be able to vote on anyone that meets the set requirements. This will be open until Wednesday.
- In round two you will be only be able to vote on the two candidates that got the most votes in round one.
- In the event that one candidate gets more than 50% of the vote in the first round, they will be declared the winner and there will not be a second round.
Please take time to consider which candidate will be best for the department before voting.
We have taken the following methods to ensure a fair election:
- Results will be hidden from all citizens until after the voting has finished
- Citizens who are banned from the city are not allowed to participate
- Citizens who are new to the city are not allowed to participate
- Any attempt to cheat, bypass, or maliciously impact the result will result in a server ban
Further information on the candidates can be found here: https://perpheads.com/threads/cod-election-candidate-selection.39724/
The motions can be seen on the paralake.city page here: https://paralake.city/motion.
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