Chief of Department Election

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United Kingdom

Paralake Police Department
Chief of Department Election

I am pleased to announced that the election for the next Chief of Department is now open.

There will be two rounds.
  • In round one you will be able to vote on anyone that meets the set requirements. This will be open until Wednesday.
  • In round two you will be only be able to vote on the two candidates that got the most votes in round one.
  • In the event that one candidate gets more than 50% of the vote in the first round, they will be declared the winner and there will not be a second round.
The voting will be conducted in game as we cannot ensure anonymity on the forums. To do this, go to City Computers as the City Hall. This will take you to the Paralake City Website where you will be automatically logged in. All of the candidates will be visible there, and you can vote for your favourite.

Please take time to consider which candidate will be best for the department before voting.

We have taken the following methods to ensure a fair election:
  • Results will be hidden from all citizens until after the voting has finished
  • Citizens who are banned from the city are not allowed to participate
  • Citizens who are new to the city are not allowed to participate
  • Any attempt to cheat, bypass, or maliciously impact the result will result in a server ban
I have also added a motion to gather views of the concept of this election.

Further information on the candidates can be found here:
The motions can be seen on the page here:
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I'd like to congratulate @Collier on their promotion and winning the election as our new Chief Of Department.

The transition of power will now begin and @Collier will be appointed Chief of Department tomorrow night. I will tomorrow night set my rank to Staff Sergeant and I continue my service as Head of Development Services (Information Technology got a rename as it now will head all development regarding the PD.).


@Collier I wish you best of luck!
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