Chris / LT Andrews

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I often engage as a LEO while playing on the server. I've discovered that there is a true role model within Paralake Police Department. His name is Lieutenant Andrews.

When @Chris is Lieutenant the atmosphere within PLPD changes. The majority of 10-8 Officers become more professional and respectful towards citizens in general when they're supervised by LT Andrews. When a LEO is accused of misconduct (which occur frequently) LT Andrews is always there to help. He is dedicated and he takes his role/job quite serious which benefits the general RP. He is friendly and respectful towards his fellow LEOs and therefore I think he deserves a recommendation to acknowledge his huge effort. Besides being an active LEO on the server I know that Chris is currently working on a project which is going to improve LEOs understanding of the job when they come straight from the Police Academy.


Lieutenant Andrews, Officer Nixon and Paralake Police Department salute you.

I'm still waiting for an answer regarding my Supervisor application. However, I'm looking forward to become Sergeant and assist you while performing duties. Keep up the good work!

I found this picture which clearly shows that @Chris is a fair LEO who isn't targeting certain races / ethnic groups within the City of Para... Wait a sec...

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I completely 100% agree with you he is a brilliant supervisor and a fantastic person to know you always know you can speak to Lieutenant Andrews and he really is a fantastic member of the community and I am glad that you have taking time to make sure that is recognised by everyone and bob your a good LEO and I am sure Lieutenant Andrews really appreciates this and I am really happy bob Nixon you have made this thank you to lieutenant Andrews and officer bob Nixon.

Regards Appricey.
Police Supervisor
Chris has amazing police rp skills. I notice that when Chris is the LT the police force is much more organised and safisticated than when he isn't. And is overall a very good roleplarer.

An example from today is when I was robbing the bank with my buddy and Chris was the LT, some officer rushed in and wanted to start shooting. However Chris shouted at him as he wanted to set up some stuff at the bank before entering.
Chris' role play as LT is amazing! He has the whole police for organised, and is able to deal with officers in a sensible and productive manner. He also deals with situations with ease.

Keep it up mate :)
+Support, shot Hung Chow while he was in cuffs then giving him a ticket for attempted of murder of a police officer while in cuffs.
Chris is bad, he arrested my chinese family @MattIsMadForCod

Na but Chris is a great example of how a police LT should work to be honest, he's always working with the units together and tries to inspire them.

-support, most bias staff member. Arrested wang for Small eyes. Come on get rid of him +support adds realism. If you get rid of him +support improves my roleplay experience.

No hes a good andrew!