Chris/Medulla's Forum Ban Appeal

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Posted on behalf of Chris

Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Unknown
How long were you banned for: Permanent (FORUM)
Your Steam Name: M (previously: Chris)
Your Forum Name: M
Your Steam ID: N/A
Why were you banned/blacklisted:
For context, this ban was issued approximately 2-3 years ago. I had just left the community to study and had astranged it more-or-less completely, other than the forum, where I sought some brief entertainment by being a nuisance on the forum over the course of a couple of weeks. I take entire responsibility for my actions, and understand that they may have been upsetting and caused an undue workload on the administrative team. I fully accept the premise for the ban and do not wish to contend it at all.

These actions were, as I understand it, the provoking factor for the ban. Since being banned I can affirm that I have not been in contact with the community; therefore I have not caused, nor looked to cause any disruption for the duration of the ban during this time.
I am very sorry for my actions which were unacceptable and selfish; on reflection I should not have made efforts to upset people and this is something that I would not do in the future. I would like to be unbanned and contribute positively and constructively going forward during the little spare time I have available.

A further factor that I would be grateful if the community could consider is that I have previously been an administrator at PH, and dedicated numerous hours to handling administrative matters, as well as organizing a number of live community tournaments, and contributing enormously to the Police Department in one of its previous formats.
As a long standing member, I have made a number of friends here in the past and would like to continue being a part of the community that was a great hobby for me over a number of years.

Again, I am extremely sorry for my troublesome actions, and hope that you may offer me another chance to be here.
Thank you for your time and consideration; take care of you and yours at this difficult time.

Best wishes

Chris (M)
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