Christmas Giveaway

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Hello everyone,

As Christmas is coming around the corner I thought it be a nice a thing to giveaway a couple of things.

There will be a total of 8 things being given away :
2x AS50's (1 Person gets 2 AS50's)
15x Premium Tokens (5 people get 3 tokens each)
200k (2x 100k)

Christmas day (25th) the people will be drawn by @JuJu Live on stream in the PerpHeads discord and they`ll also be the one given the items to you in-game.
(Thank you for this Juju :))

To join just leave a message with your in-game name.

Have a nice day everyone and good luck winning something :)

Ps. If this is in the wrong category my bad, I tried looking through the forums to where these things are usually placed.
joshua maryl
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