Civil Service "For Justice and Peace"

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*** Civil Service ***
For Justice and Peace”


What is the Civil Service?

The Civil Service is an organization, that exist out of in cooperation between civilians and The Paralake police department.

Our main goal is to support police department we do this by arresting law offenders and supporting the Police Department if they come guns to short. All our members have the experience and the training to using a firearm correctly.

How do you recognize us?

Most of our Agents will carry a dark blue or black suit. Every Agent also carries a batch. Authentic batch on him. With personal information like his Name and Rank. Security number and or the department gives him permission to carry a firearm.

Civil Service badge
For example:

Name: [Alliat Trapani Chief of Civil Service]

Securety number: [1111]

Rights: [Right to carry a firearm and Arrest]

You can see this if the agent uses the /description function in the chat.

Be advised not every Civil Service agent will always be 10-8 (in-service). This means if an off duty Civil Service agent commits a crime Civil Service Department will not be seen as responsible for the actions that the Agent took.

An easy way to check if our Agents are 10-8 in-service is to ask for their badge. Every agent has to store his batch when going 10-7 (off duty). Any agent that does not follow this rules will be Demoted without any further warning. If an Agent miss uses his power. The Department will see this as law 4.4 General Misconduct in a Public Office. And will take further actions against this agent.

If you have a complaint against one of our employees.

-You can contact the department by calling: 278-5739

-Or calling/texting 911 (Which will contact the Police Department)

Departments and Ranks overview.

The Civil service exists out of 3 departments that are very similar to the Police Department.

-Internal Affairs Department,

-Recruitment Department

-Operational Department

Are the 3 departments the Civil Service uses. Every Department will have its own employees but they will work very closely with each other. And there will be a good communication.

Just like our Departments will our ranked overview look very similar the Police Department.

Spoiler: Rank Overview

-Chief of Civil Service





-Senior Agent


All these ranks will have their own responsibility in the Department.
The rank of the officer will be shown on the batch of the Agent.

Important to know

We are not the Police Department if you think what we are doing is unlawful feel free to call 911.
If we arrest people we will call 911 to pick them or transport them to the PD our self’s. The final judge over how long you go to prison or how big your ticket will be made by an officer of The Paralake Police Department.

Applications to join the Organization are currently open.

For Questions, you can contact
@Alliat and/or @SleepyMode

Kind regards,

Alliat Trapani

Chief of Civil Service


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Civil Service
Member List

Chief of Civil Service
Sir Alliat Trapani

John Newell




Senior Agent

Niccolo Machiavelli


Recruitment Department Staff
John Newell

Internal Affairs
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I say thank you to @Col. Collier. He was so nice to have a look at text and he took the spelling mistakes out of the text.
I did not even ask for it. So thank you Collier for putting effort in this Document.

I would just like to remind you that it is current PLPD policy to not endorse private organizations that assist the Police Department. An exception of this is if you incidentally help us out, however this should not be pre-meditated.

If you have received permission to cooperate with us by anyone higher or equally ranked to me, then you may feel free to disregard this message, as I am merely a Information Technology Services division Lieutenant.

Thank you,

Lieutenant Michelle Bowman
Information Technology Services
Paralake Police Department - To Protect and Serve
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