Model Suggestion Civilian version of the nightstick melee

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Suggestion Title: Civilian version of the nightstick melee
Suggestion Description: Adding a civilian version of the telescopic baton to the craft-able weapons list.

The civilian version should act as such:
- It takes up a secondary weapon slot.
- Maybe it could be cosmetically different? Like texture wise, it could be chromed.

The nightstick should act in the same way the police one does except maybe without the disarming feature.

Perhaps its crafting recipe could be:
1 refined metal (50% pure)
1 box of springs

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic street weapon
- Could be used by people RPing as bouncers or security guards
- More variety of items

What negatives could this have?:
- Could be confusing to add as the current nightstick doesn't show in inventories in the same way handcuffs also do not.
I think it’d definitely be an interesting addition to the current melee weapons we have, there is not really anything non-lethal available to civilians so this would certainly fill that gap.
I honestly think certain melee objects should be legal considering they are IRL. Don't know if it's possible to add pepper spray for police and civil use.
Being able to legally carry a less-than-lethal weapon around would kinda be sick, in a lot of countries people carry batons on the streets for self defense (whether legally or illegally)
The only issue I could see with it being in the hands of civvies is the right click feature being abused to send people flying to spots that could give them an unfair advantage, but ofc for a civvie version of the nightstick that could just be removed or replaced with a harder swing.
Not really see why it's needed for civilians to be honest? Can you name a couple of situations where this should benefit RP without being used in a mingey?

We all know where you can launch people with pushing people on top of areas where you shouldn't be or people just gonna hit each other once at bazaar; it's gonna be the new punching.
Not really see why it's needed for civilians to be honest? Can you name a couple of situations where this should benefit RP without being used in a mingey?

We all know where you can launch people with pushing people on top of areas where you shouldn't be or people just gonna hit each other once at bazaar; it's gonna be the new punching.
same reasoning as any other melee weapon
No, with other melee weapons you can not push players in the air or disorientate them as much as with the night stick.
did you not read any of the things said in the thread, it was suggested to lessen these effects
Not really see why it's needed for civilians to be honest? Can you name a couple of situations where this should benefit RP without being used in a mingey?

We all know where you can launch people with pushing people on top of areas where you shouldn't be or people just gonna hit each other once at bazaar; it's gonna be the new punching.
The nightstick should act in the same way the police one does except maybe without the disarming feature.
Hitting someone for no reason with it would be no different to doing it with a hammer. “Minging” with a melee weapon by hitting someone with it would just be RDM.
Isn't it still lethal? Just like you have to absolutely wail on a person to kill them. Aka only with motive not accidental.
I think a baton would be doing significantly less damage then any other melee weapons. Either way, I was moreso talking about the pushing ability. A spoon can be lethal if you’re absolutely wailing on someone

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