Communication Ban Apology (Flugs)

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Reaction score
Paralake Police Department Cell 7
Punishment Type: Communication Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Flugs
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Ryandef
Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Valetti
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42747555

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Attempting to cause problems in out-of-character chat despite having already received blacklists for the same behaviour.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I understand I was a bit loud and causing trouble with someone who was just targeting me for the past 2 hours and am sorry. Just understand that its all inflicted by both parties and he was quite stressful ic to deal with. He raided me, mugged me and arrested me twice as a cop within the same hour he's just toxic I swear.

Just free me so I can become enforcer already and use the help command again, it would be much appreciated.

Additional Information: FREE MEE

On an individual basis, I’ve actually found you quite pleasant. Fact of the matter is, you’ve proven quite volatile when situations don’t go up way and this certainly isn’t the first time you’ve received punishments for this exact offence. Hopefully serving this blacklist in full will teach you to control your anger in these situations and avoid bringing them to OOC unnecessarily. If you have concerns that you are victim of a rule break, you can create a report via F6 or /report and they will be addressed appropriately.
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