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Description of the idea:
Adding a computer desk prop.

The PC desk prop will be a desk which takes up a chemical table / crafting bench slot in a base. (For bazaar shops it will take up a rear crafting bench slot).

The desk will feature a chair too.

The crafting recipe for the desk itself will be:
- 2 wooden boards
- 2 metal rods.
- 4 chunks of plastic
- 4 wood nails
- 2 pieces of metal
- 1 scrap electronic
- 1 office chair

The PC, monitor, keyboard and mouse should also be craftable but purchasable from rangatech. This will allow people to make them and sell them at bazaar or shops cheaper than ragna without ruining the possibility of them being widely available.

How you mount attachments to PCs will be the same way you mount attachments to chemical tables. The slots system will work as such:
- Slot for the PC, with the ability to mount a security program, and a program.
- Slot for the keyboard
- Slot for the mouse.
- Slot for the monitor

You can mount the following items to the desk prop:
-Monitor: self explanatory. Required for the PC to work.
- Keyboard and mouse: also required for use.
- The computer itself: The computer will take different software applications which I will elaborate on below.

The uses for the PC include:
- Tooter:
This will be available on the PC by default.
- Paralake city council and
Will be available on the PC without any additional Software.
- Paralake city funds:
A website containing job slots, payment info, taxes and city funds.

Mobile games that are locked behind VIP will be accessible by non VIPs on a PC By purchasing a games disk from ragna tech.

Software and hardware upgrades:
These will be “disks” for programs you can buy at ragna, the drug dealer, and other NPCs. Upgrades for a PC include:
- Games disk:
Access VIP mobile games without having VIP, purchasable at ragnatech. This will make the games playable by non vips whilst removing the convenience of VIPs being able to play it Anywhere.

VPN App:
Purchasable at Ragnatech, the VPN app is your first step into more criminal uses for your PC. Having this put in the “security” section will hide your location from the PD if you get caught using one of the criminal applications below.

My main reason for suggesting this. Purchasable from the drug dealer, Cop will allow you to access CCTV cameras and 911 message logs. Similar to how the dispatch app works. However, a dispatcher will be able to detect locations of PCs using this feature without a VPN. Rapid use of will be detected by dispatchers, for example, switching between CCTV cameras rapidly or going through 911 logs.

It will also allow you to check warrants.

Unlike dispatch cameras, Hacked cameras won’t be moveable and will have a loading time. This is for balancing purposes.

The detection rate is down to the dev team at the end of the day, but I suggest these be the detection rate:
- Having a VPN attachment lowers the detection rate by 20%.
- Checking warrants: 70% detection rate.
- Hacking cameras: 30% detection rate per camera.
- Checking 911 logs: 90% detection rate.

Being “detected”:
If you get detected, a 911 call at the location of the PC will be sent out, saying “Unauthorised entry to the Police Database has been detected from this location! Unauthorised device attempted to [detected action here]!. The 911 caller will be “PLPD network security bot”
If you have the VPN running, it will have a 90% chance of not discovering your location, scrambling the location to be in the middle of the ocean.

A law should be added regarding cyber crime(s). Hacking should be a felony liable to 2 years in prison, $3000 fine and asset forfeiture. Police will be able to seize just the PC and it’s illegal software, but similar to how cops can only Seizeplanter attachments if they’re growing illegal drugs, as in only the PC itself and the illegal software will be seized.

The ideal goals behind copwatch will be:
- To give criminals an “eye in the sky” kind of situation Similar to movies And video games. Like Payday 2, you have Gage, the mysterious organiser and helper who sits behind a desk watching from afar, giving info to the criminals.
- To open the possibilities of Dispatchers or police officers working to tackle cyber crime in the city of Paralake. It would add a whole new dynamic. Adding cybercrime laws alongside this would be very helpful too.

Other notes regarding PCs:
- The PC, monitor, keyboard and mouse will all be droppable as freezable props so you can use them just for decoration without taking up chem table slots.
- PC “attachments“ and the PC itself should be stealable in raids.
- Players sat on desks should be kill ejected from the chair if the desk is shot at.

I recommend you guys post more app and site ideas below if you have them!

Why should this be added? (pros):
- More evil cybercrime
- Allows for more roleplay
- Less staff noclip UAV’s.
- Allows for more usage of props.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Fair amount of dev work needed
- Uncertainty behind how often it will be used
- Could be OP.
Here's my only concern: zerg uses computer, hacks into police database, police go to zerg and get fucking murdered, haha stupid PLPD.

I really like the idea, however, I feel like with the servers current state, these detection rates aren't really a punishment. If a zerg wants an 'eye in the sky' while performing a raid or a crime, then the police will be entirely focused on that and not the hacker, especially since those people are actively killing others and or cops, and the hacker is not.

However, I do think that this could add for some really nice roleplay on the police side, imagine sending a task force to take down the hackers while the rest of the force is dealing with the main fight, would be really neat.
Overall, I just want some feedback from everyone else on any concerns they have with this, as these are just some I thought of, but don't really have any solution to.
The idea here is typically the hacker would be using org TS whilst using the PC and as a result might not hear police bust down their door til it’s too late.

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