Content Bug Report (Mirrored texture)

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look in a mirror dumb dumb

As rogue has pointed out, this is designed to read out like "Traffic Police" in a mirror. Unfortunately mirrors don't work on cars.
I think this has been confirmed by developers as well. I'll leave this open in case it is actually a bug.
you guys expect too much from garry's mod

anyways here's another i just clocked onto


but if it's intentional, close this and i'll actually just make it look better for myself

Idk how you’ve never noticed this IRL before it’s on all emergency vehicles and it’s funny because from the drivers seat it looks like boricE so yeah
Honestly I don't know how I haven't noticed either so that's something for me to look out for, I looked it up on images and it's not flipped on some vehicles so this is pretty new info to me haha

I made this mistake too dont worry

its for in theory if the car mirrors worked so you would be able to see it properly
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