Content Bug Report (When using the delivery app you pay no sales tax. When there is a courier on the prompts tell you that you have paid the correct a

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Type of Bug: Content

Description of the Bug: When using the delivery app you pay no sales tax. When there is a courier on the prompts tell you that you have paid the correct amount of money for the packages but in reality you are not deducted for that amount. This also works if you order a package to one of the NPCs of Paralake.

How to reproduce the Bug: 1. Open delivery app and order any items you want 2. Pick up the package at a reduced sales tax rate
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Someone had already made a bug report and this actually an intended feature
No, what got said as intended feature was the fact you "pay half" as partly it is taking prior to delivery and after delivery, furthermore it got closed by PUG and not any official dev which never took a look at it. (thread)

Taxes are not applied to delivery when ordering to places appearently yet are there on the screen, so let a dev comment if it was intended that taxes aren't included and edit the delivery man or adjust so taxes are added onto the total amount