Crafting a brick of drugs into "Deal bags".

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Description of the idea:
The ability to craft 8 "deal bags" of weed, cocaine or meth" out of bricks of drugs plus 1 chunk of plastic.

Roleplaying as a drug dealer on PERP Still somewhat works, but you're selling entire bricks of product to people who will smoke it all in one puff.

Deal bags will be how you use drugs, they will turn a brick of a drug into a useable item. This allows players to use drugs more as you can convert 1 single “drug” into 8 useable smaller drugs.

Its not the amount that bugs me tbh, Deal bags would be lighter, cost less, give cops less when they confiscate it, also would be smaller and easier to drop and hide if cops pull up when you're acting a bit odd.

Deal bags will be crafted from bricks of drugs. You will get 8 deal bags per brick. Each deal bag will sell for $15 at the drug dealer, or alternatively, you can sell it to other players.

You could argue that this would be pointless, as you could just sell the bricks to the drug dealer for more cash. This is for roleplaying.

Also, you could create craftable spliffs from weed in a deal bag. Add Raws (Rolling papers / cones) To the pub and gas station NPC's.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- More drug RP
- Easier to hide from cops
- Deal bags are realistic.
- Roleplaying as a street drug dealer would be miles easier as you could turn 1 planter of weed into like 200 deal bags.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Might not be used
- Could confuse new players

This is a deal bag
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Edited to Include:

- the addition of 1 chunk of plastic to serve as the material for 8 bags.
- further explanation on how this can help with roleplay.
I like the concept, but it seems like a big waste of development, theoretically, you can already sell them, as 1 weed is 150 don't think that's making a dent in anyone's pocket, no ones ever been given jail time for carrying 1-8 weed or coke (i fucking hope) so it just seems a bit pointless. don't mean any offense, so just go round with a massive fuck-off bong and get stoned off ur tits on the baggies we already have.
The idea here is to make drug dealer roleplay easier as 1 batch of weed could provide you with plenty of small, low cost bags of drugs. I see what you mean about it being pointless however. Like you can grow some weed and if you want to roleplay as a street dealer, you would have absolute miles of product.
Also the old drug model prop is still in the content packs.
this would never work because cops are hyper vigilant and anal about everything

they'll just use ooc reasons to follow a known drug rper 24/7, like how some cops (not naming names because some mod actually edited my comment because I named someone and if he didn't want to be targeted he should stop doing it because it really ruins roleplay :smile: ) would just sit outside bases harassing people and waiting for any reason to raid
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