Crafting +

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United Kingdom
Welcome to the crafting + application form.
Please answer question honestly.

In Character Information:

IC Name:

Favorite weapon:

Current Vehicle(s):

Crafting Level (Not required to be high):

Previous Organizations:

OOC Information:

Steam Name:




Thank you for completing the application form, We will get back to you as soon as possible.
In Character Information: Italian-American mafioso originating in the heart of Sicily and Rome. Wears a red Bowler Hat, likes to wear red or blue things.

IC Name: Gino Luchiczi

Favorite weapon: AK-47/Benelli M3 Super 90

Current Vehicle(s): BMW 507

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 8/8 (55 Firearms)

Previous Organizations: Los Zetas, Armenian Mafia (First Generation), The Harpers, Armenian Mafia (Current Generation), several others.

OOC Information: Underweight in reality Italian-American

Steam Name: [PH] The Strange Deranged Mage

Playtime: 1 week (Closing to 2)

Age: 16

Country: US of A
In Character Information:

IC Name: William Snow

Favorite weapon: AK-47 | M82

Current Vehicle(s): Scion tC upgraded once

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 8/8 ( Level 21 firearms)

Previous Organizations: The Whisperers | Voltiac | Other orgs i don't remember.

OOC Information:

Steam Name: [DarkScar] Shadow

Playtime: 4 Weeks

Age: 16

Country: Saudi Arabia

Additional Comment : Thanks for reading, I hope i get accepted!
In Character Information:

IC Name:
Arron Cursed

Favorite weapon: Ak47/Sako

Current Vehicle(s): Mini 2011 double upgraded +Spoiler / Lambo Diablo

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 8/8 (Firearms 79/100)

Previous Organizations: Crescendo , Voltiac , Greek empire and some others.

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Arron/Faith

Playtime: Somewhere in the 35 days

Age: 16

Country: The Netherlands
In Character Information: IC Name: Jake Green

Favorite weapon: Any

Current Vehicle(s): Ferrari 512 TR

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 8(I think) My firearms is 32

Previous Organizations: Crafting +, Hitman Royale some others I can't remember

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Smudger

Playtime: 3 weeks

Age: 15

Country: England
In Character Information

IC Name:
Alex Fisher

Favorite weapon:
M4A1 (Cheap and efficient).

Current Vehicle(s):
Mini Cooper (After selling my product, I can purchase a "Banter Van").

Crafting Level (Not required to be high):
8/8 Crafting, 60/100 Firearms.

Previous Organizations:
British Mafia, Armenian Mafia.

OOC Information

Steam Name:

4 Days


United Kingdom
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In game name: Martin checky

Favorite weapon: m82

Current vehicle: Lamborghini Gallardo

Crafting level: 8/8

Prev orgs: IS, The retierd ones and a bunch of others.

Steam name: Madda

Playtime: 1 month.

Age: 14

Country: Norway
In Character Information:

IC Name: Mikayla Falcone (I use to be Josh Hunt)

Favorite weapon: Any

Current Vehicle(s): Camero (400k)

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 7/8

Previous Organizations: Votic, British Mafia

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Mr.Salty

Playtime: 1 week getting onto 2weeks

Age: 13 (I sound 15-16)

Country: UK
In Character Information:

IC Name: Jennifer Sanches

Favorite weapon: Sako.

Current Vehicle(s): Ford Coupe 1965 (Dont laugh)

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 6/8

Previous Organizations: ISOP, Men in Blood, The rainbow faggots and more.

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Spooky

Playtime: 1 week

Age: 13

In Character Information:

IC Name: Stevo Cobra.

Favorite weapon: Ak-47 And Sako.

Current Vehicle(s): Jeep Gran Cherokee.

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 7/8.

Previous Organizations: The Adheriall.

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Mr. Cobra
Playtime: 1 Week

Age: 14 (Birthday 1 November)


I am A friend of arron Cursed
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In Character Information:

IC Name: Lars Woll

Favorite weapon: Sig

Current Vehicle(s): GMC Vandura, Ford GT 05

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 48

Previous Organizations: Montreal, Virtouos, Armenian, others unknown

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Minilarro

Playtime: 2 weeks

Age: 14

Country: Norway
In Character Information:

IC Name:
Tyla Jai

Favorite weapon: AK47

Current Vehicle(s): Mitsubishi Evo X (Double Upgraded)

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 8/8

Previous Organizations: The Belinsky Family, Royal British Mafia

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Lord Sir Tyla Jai

Playtime: Between 2 and 3 weeks.

Age: 15

Country: United Kingdom
In-Character Information:
My name is Zack Robberts..

Favorite Weapon:

My favourite weapons are -
Benelli M3 Super 90

Current Vehicle(s):
My current vehicles are -
Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing (2x Upgraded)
Ford Crown Victoria (1x Upgraded)
Mazda MX-5 (2x Upgraded)
Scion TC (2x Upgraded)
Dodge Ram (1x Upgraded)
(I used all my money to buy these nice vehicles rather than buying a Lamborghini, i'm not a fan of exotic cars).

Crafting Level:
My crafting level is currently -
Level 8/8
My Firearm level is currently -
Level 26/100 (MLG)

Previous Organizations:
Paralake Army (RIP - died ages ago)
Paralake Partnership (Left for reasons - I'd rather not explain here)
Adheriall Family (joined my members with Paralake Partnership, I didn't join them because of some allies they had).
Armenians (RIP/Left for reasons - certain members made me rage, loss of a lot of items and money during my time there)
Out-Of-Character Information:
Steam Name:

1 month and 1 week.

I am 491,823,382 seconds old.
That's 15 years old for anybody bothered.

Born and raised in England.

A few notes:
Michael Boyle and Aaron DOoman mugged me for taking pictures of him, I cried pretty hard for a solid day.
I got ran over as SWAT as soon as I stepped out of the car at farm earlier, that also made me cry pretty hard.
John Riddle also mugged me once, this didn't make me cry as much because I didn't lose my camera.
I'm somewhat friends with a few members in Crafting+, never had any big issues with any of the members in Crafting+.
I'm not an org hopper, "I had reasons".

Thanks, consider me please, don't one bang deny me because I act like a kid sometimes/am a kid.

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In Character Information:

IC Name: Billy Belinsky.

Favorite weapon: M82.

Current Vehicle(s): Audi S5.

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 8 - Firearms roughly 55ish.

Previous Organizations: Belinsky Family (about 1 year) Armenian Mafia (about 1 Month) Peter The Prophet (about 4 months) I only prefer to join well sick orgs where my skills can flourish.

OOC Information: Being a full time Geeza, currently perma'd will be unbanned soon though.

Steam Name: Billy savery.

Playtime: 3-4 Weeks.

Age: 18.

Country: Wales - If that was you Moron I will fuck ur Mum
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In Character Information:

IC Name: Jack Kier

Favorite weapon: MP5

Current Vehicle(s): Audi S5, GMC Vandura.

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 31

Previous Organizations: The Chosen Few, Belinskys, Paralake army and more but can't remember because I'm a scrub.

OOC Information:

Steam Name: JJJackier

Playtime: 3 weeks

Age: 13 Please don't judge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Country: Norway
In Character Information:

IC Name:
Chris Blackburn

Favorite weapon: The infamous Ak47

Current Vehicle(s): GMC syclone, although I sold my E63

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 100

Previous Organizations: Voltiac, Armenian Mafia, Grow Inc

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Nameinsane

Playtime: 1 month

Age: 17

Country: Sg
In Character Information: John Sugavi,very good steet racer,very good shooter (LE in csgo :D),mature and funny :D

IC Name: John Sugavi

Favorite weapon: AK-47

Current Vehicle(s):Porsche 997,Cadilac.

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 100

Previous Organizations: many many and the big ones.

OOC Information: my name is Sapir Sugavi,I like make people laugh , funny guy, and SWAG

Steam Name:Sapir Sugavi

Playtime:1 mo.

Age: 16

Country: Israel (dont hate)
In Character Information:

IC Name: Garry Harry (going to change it soon)

Favorite weapon: ak-47

Current Vehicle(s): Volswagen Beetle

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 6/8

Previous Organizations: Drivers

OOC Information:

2 days

Age: 13

Country: Norway

Other: I'm pretty new, but i think this org would be the best one to help me to achieve great things. I'm saveing some money to buy new cars and upgrade my firearm skills. And i need some friends that can teach me.

IC Name: Aaron Martin ( Im black )

Favorite weapon: AK-47

Current Vehicle(s): None I'm saving for some shitty car.

Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 20

Previous Organizations: The Avito, The Black Hand, Riddle Family, Voltiac and some other organisations.

OOC Information:

Steam Name: Panda

Playtime: 2 weeks

Age: 15

Country: Finland ( Im in Greece right now will be online after a week or so.)
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