Background: Crafting + was made during the war between Hitmen Royal and the Belinsky family as a supplier and ally to the Belinsky family. It was created by Gary Belinsky and Ryan Harris. It made many people who they are today like Lamar Carter and Abdi Abdullah.
Gary Belinsky
Maximus Lockwood
This rank holds no real power and is to help keep the organization in line.
Jack Noah
Kenneth Walker
Brian Husky
Tyrone Stoneheart
Matt Grand
Michael Boyle
Hjlamar winroth
Reece Davidson
John Riddle
Laquisha Jamalkins
Willis Zaiger
Gino Luchiczi
William Snow
Arron Cursed
Martin Checky
Alex Fisher
Maximus lockwood
Jake Green
Philip Ali
Lars Woll
Jack Kier
Zack Robberts
Billy Belinsky
David Anderson
Paul white
Steve Cockerel
Cole Rogerson
Danny Darler
Marshal Mathews
Andreas Wise
Rushi-kesh Paricular
Tyrone Trevon
Narek Torossian
Group A:
Leader: Maximus Lockwood @Chris
Cole Rogerson @Cole
Gino Luchiczi
Danny Darler @Holy Shit its Danny D
Arron Cursed @arron/faith
Zack Roberts @Zan116
Alex FIsher @verse
Tyrone Stoneheart
Willis Zaiger
Laquisha Jamalkins
Jack Mason
Hal Lavkatzo
Group B:
Leader: John Riddle
Martin Checky @Madda
Lars Woll @Minilarro
Jake Green @
Andreas Wiese
David Anderson @Grosblyth
Paul White
Steve Cockerel
Marshal Mathews
Rushi-kesh Paricular
William Snow
Jack Kier
Jack Noah
Spadille Redington
Narek Torossian @xhantium
Group C:
Leader: Michael Boyle @Sdac2
Kenneth Walker @Creepis
Billy Belinsky @BillySavery 2
Harry Barnet @Hazza56
Hjalmar winroth @Saltguy
Tyrone Trevon @Blicky
Joe Muhammad
Evaric Bishop
The group system will split the organization into 3 groups and those groups will be in different bases. This is to help combat the stealing from the organization and to help organize our members.
If you are not in a group at the moment we will sort it out.
If your not tagged with @ its because your forum names weren't showing
No life alerts in base
No stealing from other members
No breaking server rules
No warmongering
Don't bring cops to the base
Becoming a cop to deliberately try raid the org or cause problems will not be tolerated.
We have no dress code and no weapon restrictions you are free to use anything you like. You do not need a car as we have banter vans (Black Ford Transits) as our main transport.
Ayjay Harlem
Lewis Doman
Aaron Doman
Allies: None
RødGrød med Fløde
Paralake Partnership
Enemies: None
Armenian Mafia(Defeated)
Grow + (a bit of a joke)
Ben Walker
Contact us: You can find Gary Belinsky in game or use this application form here
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