Crashing on connecting [SOLVED]

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Good morning guys,

I am trying to be the "new" guy on the server, but the problem is that I am unable to connect, whenever i try to connect to the server. It simply crash at "Connecting to server" and usually I don't get an error, but sometimes i am able to see "failed to lock vertex buffer in cmeshdx8 lockvertexbuffer" which as far as I figured out, means that rams are used up, but while checking the usage. I'm only using about 40% load

What I tried to do so far

Reinstall GMOD
Remove all addons
(Right now only have the content pack from the website)
Tried to install TDM cars? there was a bunch of different packs with these, so no clue if I got the right one
Verify integrity cache
Setting up the different dxlevel, seen from the guide on this forum
disabling SLI aswell

My PC specification
16GB Vengeance Ram
i5-3570k (Right now not overclocked because I tested that aswell, usually have it overclocked to 4,6 to 5)
2x GTX 760 (SLI)
Windows 10

EDIT: Putting everything to low except resolution and models, fixed it for me (Models, or else cars fuck up)
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Looks like your specs are good enough. You don't need to install any content from anywhere. All you really need is to join the server and let the server upload everything to you. Be sure to allow all content in multiplayer options from the main menu. Try and force dx9, looks like you're having some issues with dx8. This topic may help, I'm unsure.
Thanks for the help and quick reply

Already did that, sadly no help, tried with -w 1280 -h 720 -dxlevel 90 dind't help eithe, still getting this error
failed to lock vertex buffer in CmesDX8::LockVertexBuffer: nVertexCount=411,nFirstVertex=0
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I had same issue, all i have done is adding "-high" and "-dxlevel 95" into Command Line(Setting game launch options), problem solved.(Well, for me.)

  1. Right-click on the game title under the Library in Steam and select Properties.
  2. Under the General tab click the Set launch options... button.
  3. Enter the launch options "-dxlevel 95" and "-high" (be sure to separate each code with a space) and click OK.
  4. Close the game's Properties window and launch the game.

I hope you get it fixed as soon as you can.
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Sadly dind't help WheSky, I'm going to reinstall it again, and this time let the server give me all the files

EDIT: Sadly that dind't work out aswell
[DOUBLEPOST=1450280889,1450245909][/DOUBLEPOST]Good news, and bad news (I guesss?)
Lets start with the good news.

I managed to get on the server by lowering all my graphic except for resolution, and by that it wouldn't exceed the max ram usage of 32bit games.

The bad news.

Look at the screenshots

EDIT2: That got fixed by setting models to "High" which dind't crash my game
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