Hi everyone @FudgeOffMomImTwelveNow made a post about this as we have the same problem. You can go read it first and come back here. The thing is i get something abut awesomium files not working properly verifying gam cache doesn't work. So I'm putting the crash log here.
Crashed Thread: 0 AwesomiumBrowserMain Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Thread 0 Crashed:: AwesomiumBrowserMain Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 Awesomium 0x20972ce1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1676113
1 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x95137495 szone_error + 246
2 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512b02b allocate_pages + 482
3 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512d3df large_malloc + 1025
4 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512ba66 szone_malloc_should_clear + 1262
5 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512b571 szone_malloc + 24
6 Awesomium 0x209736d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1678657
7 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512b519 malloc_zone_malloc + 75
8 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512a308 malloc + 52
9 filesystem_stdio.dylib 0x0698ca1c CFileSystem_Stdio::AllocOptimalReadBuffer(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 188
10 materialsystem.dylib 0x081d35be CTexture::GetOptimalReadBuffer(void*, int, CUtlBuffer&) + 206
11 materialsystem.dylib 0x081d7e30 CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromFile(char*, char**, bool) + 976
12 materialsystem.dylib 0x081d4780 CTexture::ReconstructTexture() + 384
13 materialsystem.dylib 0x081d4d6a CTexture:
ownload(Rect_t*, int) + 122
14 materialsystem.dylib 0x081eacf7 CTextureManager::LoadTexture(char const*, char const*, int) + 279
15 materialsystem.dylib 0x081eb518 CTextureManager::FindOrLoadTexture(char const*, char const*, int) + 56
16 materialsystem.dylib 0x081a207c CMaterialSystem::FindTexture(char const*, char const*, bool, int) + 252
17 materialsystem.dylib 0x081e7378 CShaderSystem::LoadBumpMap(IMaterialVar*, char const*) + 88
18 stdshader_dx9.dylib 0x0e88624f CBaseShader::LoadBumpMap(int) + 79
19 stdshader_dx9.dylib 0x0e8784a9 Water_DX90::CShader::OnInitShaderInstance(IMaterialVar**, IShaderInit*, char const*) + 201
20 stdshader_dx9.dylib 0x0e885d84 CBaseShader::InitShaderInstance(IMaterialVar**, IShaderInit*, char const*, char const*) + 68
21 materialsystem.dylib 0x081e5e6e CShaderSystem::InitShaderInstance(IShader*, IMaterialVar**, char const*, char const*) + 94
22 materialsystem.dylib 0x08192462 CMaterial:
recache() + 194
23 materialsystem.dylib 0x081a2668 CMaterialSystem::CacheUsedMaterials() + 152
24 client.dylib 0x1f9cf724 CHLClient::FrameStageNotify(ClientFrameStage_t) + 740
25 engine.dylib 0x06ff5498 ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify(ClientFrameStage_t) + 40
26 engine.dylib 0x0701abea CL_ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 1530
27 engine.dylib 0x07181f76 CClientState:
rocessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 166
28 engine.dylib 0x07181fbb non-virtual thunk to CClientState:
rocessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27
29 engine.dylib 0x06f532f8 SVC_PacketEntities:
rocess() + 24
30 engine.dylib 0x07147225 CNetChan:
rocessMessages(bf_read&) + 837
31 engine.dylib 0x07147794 CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 580
32 engine.dylib 0x071483c1 CNetChan:
rocessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 817
33 engine.dylib 0x0714d340 NET_ProcessSocket(int, IConnectionlessPacketHandler*) + 688
34 engine.dylib 0x0701dd03 CL_ReadPackets(bool) + 355
35 engine.dylib 0x070d9ba1 _Host_RunFrame_Client(bool) + 161
36 engine.dylib 0x070db40b _Host_RunFrame(float) + 2955
37 engine.dylib 0x070f4a0b CHostState::State_Run(float) + 267
38 engine.dylib 0x070f3cfc CHostState::FrameUpdate(float) + 380
39 engine.dylib 0x070f3b75 HostState_Frame(float) + 37
40 engine.dylib 0x071cc019 CEngine::Frame() + 969
41 engine.dylib 0x071c8fa9 CEngineAPI::MainLoop() + 345
42 engine.dylib 0x071c9a00 CModAppSystemGroup::Main() + 208
43 engine.dylib 0x0721150e CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 46
44 engine.dylib 0x071c92f9 CEngineAPI::RunListenServer() + 105
45 launcher.dylib 0x00650c1a CSourceAppSystemGroup::Main() + 26
46 launcher.dylib 0x0065c66e CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 46
47 launcher.dylib 0x0066661b CSteamApplication::Main() + 43
48 launcher.dylib 0x0065c66e CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 46
49 launcher.dylib 0x006637dd MainFunctionThread(void*) + 77
50 launcher.dylib 0x00663ae4 ValveCocoaMain + 452
51 launcher.dylib 0x006512d6 LauncherMain + 1078
52 hl2_osx 0x00001d95 start + 53
Thread 1:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eab8ce kevent64 + 10
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x993c073f _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 245
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x993c03a2 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
Thread 2:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 filesystem_stdio.dylib 0x0698efbd CFileTracker2::ThreadedProcessMD5Requests() + 653
6 filesystem_stdio.dylib 0x0698ed21 ThreadStubProcessMD5Requests(void*) + 17
7 libtier0.dylib 0x00055301 ThreadProcConvert(void*) + 33
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 3:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 4:: IOPollingHelperThread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eab8b2 kevent + 10
1 steamclient.dylib 0x0b3cf37e OSXHelpers::CIOPollingHelper::RealRun() + 286
2 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51d0fd CatchAndWriteContext_t::Invoke() + 159
3 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cb05 CatchAndWriteMiniDump_Impl(CatchAndWriteContext_t&) + 214
4 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cbec CatchAndWriteMiniDumpExForVoidPtrFn + 87
5 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cc15 CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn + 35
6 steamclient.dylib 0x0b3cf24f OSXHelpers::CIOPollingHelper::Run() + 41
7 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c52167a SteamThreadTools::CThread::ThreadExceptionWrapper(void*) + 16
8 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51d0fd CatchAndWriteContext_t::Invoke() + 159
9 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cb05 CatchAndWriteMiniDump_Impl(CatchAndWriteContext_t&) + 214
10 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cbec CatchAndWriteMiniDumpExForVoidPtrFn + 87
11 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cc15 CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn + 35
12 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c5215ee SteamThreadTools::CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 238
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 6:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 7:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 8:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 9:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 engine.dylib 0x07152c0a CQueuedPacketSender::Run() + 106
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 10:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98ea4a22 semaphore_timedwait_trap + 10
1 com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x976c816c MPWaitOnSemaphore + 120
2 libbass.dylib 0x16ec01fc BASS_ErrorGetCode + 10615
Thread 11:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98ea4a22 semaphore_timedwait_trap + 10
1 com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x976c816c MPWaitOnSemaphore + 120
2 libbass.dylib 0x16ec01fc BASS_ErrorGetCode + 10615
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 12:: NetworkConfigWatcher
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98ea49ce mach_msg_trap + 10
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98ea3a70 mach_msg + 68
2 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x948d4b16 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 214
3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x948d3f29 __CFRunLoopRun + 1529
4 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x948d36c6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 390
5 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x948d352b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
6 com.apple.Foundation 0x94564aaa -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 305
7 Awesomium 0x209388df mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1437519
8 Awesomium 0x2093848c mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1436412
9 Awesomium 0x20963893 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1613571
10 Awesomium 0x2096335d mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1612237
11 Awesomium 0x209850d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750849
12 Awesomium 0x20985158 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750984
13 Awesomium 0x20983e0a mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1746042
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
16 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 13:: AudioThread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e1c0 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 Awesomium 0x2097d5f3 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1719395
4 Awesomium 0x2097e2bb mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722667
5 Awesomium 0x2097e0e2 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722194
6 Awesomium 0x2096752b mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1629083
7 Awesomium 0x20963893 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1613571
8 Awesomium 0x2096335d mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1612237
9 Awesomium 0x209850d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750849
10 Awesomium 0x20985158 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750984
11 Awesomium 0x20983e0a mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1746042
12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 14:: Chrome_DBThread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e1c0 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 Awesomium 0x2097d5f3 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1719395
4 Awesomium 0x2097e2bb mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722667
5 Awesomium 0x2097e0e2 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722194
6 Awesomium 0x2096752b mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1629083
7 Awesomium 0x20963893 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1613571
8 Awesomium 0x2096335d mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1612237
9 Awesomium 0x209850d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750849
10 Awesomium 0x20985158 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750984
11 Awesomium 0x20983e0a mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1746042
12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 15:: Chrome_WebKitThread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e1c0 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 Awesomium 0x2097d5f3 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1719395
4 Awesomium 0x2097e2bb mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722667
5 Awesomium 0x2097e0e2 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722194
6 Awesomium 0x2096752b mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1629083
7 Awesomium 0x20963893 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1613571
8 Awesomium 0x2096335d mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1612237
9 Awesomium 0x209850d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750849
10 Awesomium 0x20985158 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750984
11 Awesomium 0x20983e0a mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1746042
12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Thread 0 Crashed:: AwesomiumBrowserMain Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 Awesomium 0x20972ce1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1676113
1 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x95137495 szone_error + 246
2 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512b02b allocate_pages + 482
3 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512d3df large_malloc + 1025
4 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512ba66 szone_malloc_should_clear + 1262
5 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512b571 szone_malloc + 24
6 Awesomium 0x209736d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1678657
7 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512b519 malloc_zone_malloc + 75
8 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x9512a308 malloc + 52
9 filesystem_stdio.dylib 0x0698ca1c CFileSystem_Stdio::AllocOptimalReadBuffer(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 188
10 materialsystem.dylib 0x081d35be CTexture::GetOptimalReadBuffer(void*, int, CUtlBuffer&) + 206
11 materialsystem.dylib 0x081d7e30 CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromFile(char*, char**, bool) + 976
12 materialsystem.dylib 0x081d4780 CTexture::ReconstructTexture() + 384
13 materialsystem.dylib 0x081d4d6a CTexture:

14 materialsystem.dylib 0x081eacf7 CTextureManager::LoadTexture(char const*, char const*, int) + 279
15 materialsystem.dylib 0x081eb518 CTextureManager::FindOrLoadTexture(char const*, char const*, int) + 56
16 materialsystem.dylib 0x081a207c CMaterialSystem::FindTexture(char const*, char const*, bool, int) + 252
17 materialsystem.dylib 0x081e7378 CShaderSystem::LoadBumpMap(IMaterialVar*, char const*) + 88
18 stdshader_dx9.dylib 0x0e88624f CBaseShader::LoadBumpMap(int) + 79
19 stdshader_dx9.dylib 0x0e8784a9 Water_DX90::CShader::OnInitShaderInstance(IMaterialVar**, IShaderInit*, char const*) + 201
20 stdshader_dx9.dylib 0x0e885d84 CBaseShader::InitShaderInstance(IMaterialVar**, IShaderInit*, char const*, char const*) + 68
21 materialsystem.dylib 0x081e5e6e CShaderSystem::InitShaderInstance(IShader*, IMaterialVar**, char const*, char const*) + 94
22 materialsystem.dylib 0x08192462 CMaterial:

23 materialsystem.dylib 0x081a2668 CMaterialSystem::CacheUsedMaterials() + 152
24 client.dylib 0x1f9cf724 CHLClient::FrameStageNotify(ClientFrameStage_t) + 740
25 engine.dylib 0x06ff5498 ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify(ClientFrameStage_t) + 40
26 engine.dylib 0x0701abea CL_ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 1530
27 engine.dylib 0x07181f76 CClientState:

28 engine.dylib 0x07181fbb non-virtual thunk to CClientState:

29 engine.dylib 0x06f532f8 SVC_PacketEntities:

30 engine.dylib 0x07147225 CNetChan:

31 engine.dylib 0x07147794 CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 580
32 engine.dylib 0x071483c1 CNetChan:

33 engine.dylib 0x0714d340 NET_ProcessSocket(int, IConnectionlessPacketHandler*) + 688
34 engine.dylib 0x0701dd03 CL_ReadPackets(bool) + 355
35 engine.dylib 0x070d9ba1 _Host_RunFrame_Client(bool) + 161
36 engine.dylib 0x070db40b _Host_RunFrame(float) + 2955
37 engine.dylib 0x070f4a0b CHostState::State_Run(float) + 267
38 engine.dylib 0x070f3cfc CHostState::FrameUpdate(float) + 380
39 engine.dylib 0x070f3b75 HostState_Frame(float) + 37
40 engine.dylib 0x071cc019 CEngine::Frame() + 969
41 engine.dylib 0x071c8fa9 CEngineAPI::MainLoop() + 345
42 engine.dylib 0x071c9a00 CModAppSystemGroup::Main() + 208
43 engine.dylib 0x0721150e CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 46
44 engine.dylib 0x071c92f9 CEngineAPI::RunListenServer() + 105
45 launcher.dylib 0x00650c1a CSourceAppSystemGroup::Main() + 26
46 launcher.dylib 0x0065c66e CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 46
47 launcher.dylib 0x0066661b CSteamApplication::Main() + 43
48 launcher.dylib 0x0065c66e CAppSystemGroup::Run() + 46
49 launcher.dylib 0x006637dd MainFunctionThread(void*) + 77
50 launcher.dylib 0x00663ae4 ValveCocoaMain + 452
51 launcher.dylib 0x006512d6 LauncherMain + 1078
52 hl2_osx 0x00001d95 start + 53
Thread 1:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eab8ce kevent64 + 10
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x993c073f _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 245
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x993c03a2 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
Thread 2:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 filesystem_stdio.dylib 0x0698efbd CFileTracker2::ThreadedProcessMD5Requests() + 653
6 filesystem_stdio.dylib 0x0698ed21 ThreadStubProcessMD5Requests(void*) + 17
7 libtier0.dylib 0x00055301 ThreadProcConvert(void*) + 33
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 3:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 4:: IOPollingHelperThread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eab8b2 kevent + 10
1 steamclient.dylib 0x0b3cf37e OSXHelpers::CIOPollingHelper::RealRun() + 286
2 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51d0fd CatchAndWriteContext_t::Invoke() + 159
3 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cb05 CatchAndWriteMiniDump_Impl(CatchAndWriteContext_t&) + 214
4 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cbec CatchAndWriteMiniDumpExForVoidPtrFn + 87
5 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cc15 CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn + 35
6 steamclient.dylib 0x0b3cf24f OSXHelpers::CIOPollingHelper::Run() + 41
7 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c52167a SteamThreadTools::CThread::ThreadExceptionWrapper(void*) + 16
8 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51d0fd CatchAndWriteContext_t::Invoke() + 159
9 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cb05 CatchAndWriteMiniDump_Impl(CatchAndWriteContext_t&) + 214
10 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cbec CatchAndWriteMiniDumpExForVoidPtrFn + 87
11 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c51cc15 CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn + 35
12 libtier0_s.dylib 0x0c5215ee SteamThreadTools::CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 238
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 6:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 7:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 8:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 libvstdlib.dylib 0x000781fb CJobThread::Run() + 139
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 9:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e20c pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 libtier0.dylib 0x000556c0 CThreadSyncObject::Wait(unsigned int) + 288
4 libtier0.dylib 0x00055968 CThreadEvent::Wait(unsigned int) + 24
5 engine.dylib 0x07152c0a CQueuedPacketSender::Run() + 106
6 libtier0.dylib 0x00056b7e CThread::ThreadProc(void*) + 206
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 10:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98ea4a22 semaphore_timedwait_trap + 10
1 com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x976c816c MPWaitOnSemaphore + 120
2 libbass.dylib 0x16ec01fc BASS_ErrorGetCode + 10615
Thread 11:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98ea4a22 semaphore_timedwait_trap + 10
1 com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x976c816c MPWaitOnSemaphore + 120
2 libbass.dylib 0x16ec01fc BASS_ErrorGetCode + 10615
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 12:: NetworkConfigWatcher
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98ea49ce mach_msg_trap + 10
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98ea3a70 mach_msg + 68
2 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x948d4b16 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 214
3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x948d3f29 __CFRunLoopRun + 1529
4 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x948d36c6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 390
5 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x948d352b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
6 com.apple.Foundation 0x94564aaa -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 305
7 Awesomium 0x209388df mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1437519
8 Awesomium 0x2093848c mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1436412
9 Awesomium 0x20963893 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1613571
10 Awesomium 0x2096335d mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1612237
11 Awesomium 0x209850d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750849
12 Awesomium 0x20985158 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750984
13 Awesomium 0x20983e0a mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1746042
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
16 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 13:: AudioThread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e1c0 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 Awesomium 0x2097d5f3 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1719395
4 Awesomium 0x2097e2bb mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722667
5 Awesomium 0x2097e0e2 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722194
6 Awesomium 0x2096752b mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1629083
7 Awesomium 0x20963893 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1613571
8 Awesomium 0x2096335d mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1612237
9 Awesomium 0x209850d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750849
10 Awesomium 0x20985158 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750984
11 Awesomium 0x20983e0a mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1746042
12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 14:: Chrome_DBThread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e1c0 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 Awesomium 0x2097d5f3 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1719395
4 Awesomium 0x2097e2bb mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722667
5 Awesomium 0x2097e0e2 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722194
6 Awesomium 0x2096752b mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1629083
7 Awesomium 0x20963893 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1613571
8 Awesomium 0x2096335d mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1612237
9 Awesomium 0x209850d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750849
10 Awesomium 0x20985158 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750984
11 Awesomium 0x20983e0a mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1746042
12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34
Thread 15:: Chrome_WebKitThread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x98eaa512 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898aa4a _pthread_cond_wait + 726
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x9898e1c0 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
3 Awesomium 0x2097d5f3 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1719395
4 Awesomium 0x2097e2bb mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722667
5 Awesomium 0x2097e0e2 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1722194
6 Awesomium 0x2096752b mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1629083
7 Awesomium 0x20963893 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1613571
8 Awesomium 0x2096335d mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1612237
9 Awesomium 0x209850d1 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750849
10 Awesomium 0x20985158 mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1750984
11 Awesomium 0x20983e0a mac_plugin_interposing::GetPluginWindowHasFocus(void*) + 1746042
12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989e13 _pthread_body + 138
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98989d89 _pthread_start + 162
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x98987e52 thread_start + 34