Daniel's Ban Apology

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you:f @TinySlayer
How long were you banned for: Permenant

Your Steam Name: Daniel
Your In-game Name: Abdul Qadir
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:66066119

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered:

I joined Perpheads in 2016 and was a member for a few years until last year in May I got banned for cheating, I've now waited a year and 3 months which is not long considering I cheated and ruined everything I played for. I'm not exactly sure how long I cheated for but it was on and off day in day out but even if I cheated once or it was continuous it's still significant and unacceptable.

Cheating was the worst decision during gaming I've made because I loved to play Perp but now I'm aware of the blunder I've made, I had over 3 months playtime and miss playing the server with all of my friends and being able to roleplay. Before this ban I have 4 bans but this does not in any way rationalise my cheating, I was careless and selfish by thinking it was in any way a good idea to give myself an unfair advantage. My apologies go out to everyone on the server during the time I played while I was cheating, it was idiotic for me to even think about it, but because I was malicious I received the appropriate punishment that I rightfully deserved.

I would like you to accept this apology so I can return to being a respectable member of the community, I have definitely learnt from my mistakes after being banned for over a year and 3 months. During the time of Tinyslayer analysing my demos I would exculpate to try and free myself of suspicion even though it was inevitable that I would get banned and this was unacceptable and I most definitely should have admitted to wrongdoing. Tinyslayer had to put time into looking through my demos just because I was inconsiderate to him and the whole community, I wasted his time because I shouldn't have cheated on a server I played frequently and that I have a lot of playtime on.

It would mean a lot if you consider this apology so I can return to this community and enjoy it like I used to, without of course the cheating.

Additional Comment(s): Thanks for taking the time to read.
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