Hello all. My name is David Green
I am running for Councilman in the great city of Paralake City on behalf of the amazing Olsen Band3n Party
But what can I offer?
I believe our city is in a decline and I also believe I am the only one with the right qualifications to correct them.
What I can offer our fair city is a shot at an authoritarian state like no other. The police will receive absolute authority over the populace (except the Council which will receive complete immunity for themselves and for whomever they like) for them to effectively crack down on criminals which the city council deem damaging to our society, as they have for far too long. What would have previously constituted a democracy will be abolished as I will guide our city more towards a fascist state where people can be safe and work in the interest of everyone, except the people who would oppose our agenda.
So remember, vote Olsen and together we're going to make Hitler look like a freaking joke.
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