Deleted member 1235
"Preserving the wishes of today, to bloom in the future"
What do we stand for?
The National United Front wishes to put forward candidates in the upcoming election to preserve the future of the city, with the ultimate goal of delivering direct democracy. To do this, we shall be registering the charismatic leader of our party, Sam Duffy.
Aims, and Pledges
The NUF are the future. We are "The Chosen Party". Banded together by the desire to embark on the ideological crusade to ensure Paralakes citizens have their rights and liberties protected, via any means necessary. Citizens are our number one priority, and they will as a whole be at the forefront of all political negations.
Law Enforcement
NUF candidate Sam Duffy, former officer of PLPD knows first hand the struggle our boys in blue face on a daily basis. However he also understands the frustration of good honest citizens having their rights infringed with the ever growing police state.
Sam Duffy will work to bridge the gap between the police and the citizens it swears to protect. One key element would include allowing citizens to have the right to deny certain police intrusions if it risks violating their rights. Every Citizen of Paralake is innocent until proven guilty, and it's by time we protect those rights our grandparents fought so gallantly for!
Medical Provisions
Response times for emergency care in the city fluctuate beyond all belief. With Sam Duffy in charge, efforts will be made to ensure that the medical services are effectively managed to ensure all citizens will receive an ambulance within a specific time frame of calling for one. Efforts on this may include ensuring EMS teams have effective Blue Light Runs to ensure they reach an injured person quickly, whilst also ensuring the safety of other road users.
Preserving the future
Unlike our tree hugging rivals at the Social-Democrat party, the last thing they want to protect is democracy itself! The idea of giving officers greater powers, only brings us closer to a police state with an elective dictatorship. Our city is not run by the police, it is run by us, the chosen people of this glorious city. NUF candidate Sam Duffy will make all provisions possible so that the most underrepresented citizens in our city have their voices heard.

Vote Sam Duffy not for the future you'd like, but for the one you deserve!