What is Deus Ex?
Deus Ex is an FPS action RPG set place in a cyberpunk themed dystopian world in the year 2052. The world is in utter chaos. A deadly virus plagues the world and the vaccine is limited. You play as JC Denton; a genetically enhanced superhuman by means of nano augmentation technology that works for a United Nations established anti-terrorist organisation called "UNATCO". The adventures that he goes on throughout the world uncovers a conspiracy.
What does Deus Ex offer via gameplay?
Deus Ex's gameplay mixes with different types of gamestyles. For example, you are given the option to have non-lethal or lethal weaponry which sometimes alters the later parts of the game depending on your approach of hostile forces. It also features stealth mechanics, so you're able to lock pick a door or you could blow the door up saving yourself valuable resources.
You can interact with every NPC you find too.
You can also find many community made mods, one of my favourite being the "Shifter" mod that acts as a mutilator to make every experience different.
What does Deus Ex offer via graphics?
Not a lot. The graphics are not the best as the game has aged quite a lot.
What does Deus Ex offer via sound design?
Most of Deus Ex's sound design is mostly from stock sources, however the soundtrack has got to be one of the best OSTs of all time.
However, the voice acting isn't great either but it does lead to some hilariously bad moment such as the infamous "Oh my God, JC! A bomb!" line.
Where can I buy Deus Ex?