Legacy Rules (06/02/2025)

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Berlin, Germany
The Rules
Last updated: 29/01/2025

Contained within this document are the rules of this game server and community; these rules are subject to an administrator’s discretion and will be upheld to the full extent and power of their duty.

If an administrator believes you have broken a rule or acted inappropriately, you will be expected to discuss the incident with the administrator, and you will also be expected to justify your actions. If you are unable to appropriately and effectively justify yourself when requested, an appropriate form of punishment will be enacted.

Ignorance, in any form, of the rules detailed within this document will NOT be accepted as a reasonable reason for any violation of these rules.

The idea of this game, and the purpose and intention of these rules, is to recreate real life to an enjoyable extent; the rules are specifically designed to ensure that players act realistically - with this in-mind, any attempts to exploit loopholes within the rules will not be tolerated.


Role-play, RP​

When playing on the game server, you must act realistically, which means that you role-play as a character in the game; the terms OOC and IC refer to Out-of-Character and In-Character, respectively. When speaking about things that are not relating to your character, it is deemed as OOC, and should be done so using OOC channels; eg: using the ‘/ooc’ function in chat.


An administrator is a member of staff who holds the rank of Enforcer, Moderator, Senior Moderator, Administrator, Senior Administrator, Head Administrator or Owner.

City Employee​

Any person who is not a citizen and receives a paycheck from the city for carrying out their duty.

Government Employee​

A city employee who is not a taxi driver or courier.


Trespassing on or successfully breaking into an occupied property with the intention of stealing from it or its occupants or killing the players inside.

Occupied Property​

Any property which players are presently inside of or defending whilst a raid is in progress.

1 Basic Conduct Rules​

All users within this community are expected to adhere and are subject to the following rules of conduct. These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not a part of this community; In-Character gameplay is not subject to the Basic Conduct Rules, with the exception of any rules explicitly stated to apply during In-Character gameplay.

1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour​

Disrespectful behaviour, in its broadest sense, is not acceptable; users are expected to conduct themselves respectfully at all times.

1.2 Discrimination​

MostAny form of discrimination, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, is strictly prohibited in all contexts, whether in-character or out-of-character.

Additionally, players may not knowingly use details of another player’s personal life or identity to discriminate against them.

If a player is uncomfortable with the use of discriminatory language, they may request it to stop in LOOC chat or a report. All players involved must respect this.

1.3 Slander​

Slander will not be tolerated within this community; the only time where accusations can be made against other members of the community are within the in-game report menu, the Action Requests and Staff Complaints forums on the website or when speaking to a member of staff.

1.4 Causing Problems​

Any attempts made by players to cause problems within any community platform will not be tolerated.

1.5 Personal Details and Identity​

Players may not leak, attempt to gain, or maliciously use the private and personal details of another player. Details Including (but not limited to) Passwords to accounts, Home addresses, Personal photos, and phone numbers of either other members of the community or their family, friends, etc. These details must be respected and not shared throughout the community in-game, the forums, PERPHeads TS3, the PERPHeads Discord, or steam chat. Players may also not pretend to be another member of the community beyond In-Character names in an attempt to damage their reputation.

1.6 Co-operation with Staff​

Players must cooperate and follow any instructions or requests given to them by staff members, in relation to in-character and community-related situations.

If a staff member requests information about an incident, users must respond honestly and without omission. PERPHeads uses an automatic demo recording feature which is not to be disabled or tampered with at any time; recordings will be available in garry's mod/demos. If a staff member requests a demo file, and that demo file was recorded within the last 21 days, you are obligated to upload it (i.e. users may safely delete demos which are older than 21 days). It is the user's responsibility to ensure that there is enough disk space on the drive that Garry's Mod is installed on to ensure that demos record. Staff members must give user’s a minimum of 24 hours to allow the user to find the specific evidence needed for the situation.

1.7 Out-of-Character Names​

While connected to the server, players are prohibited from using inflammatory, discriminative, inappropriate, or offensive usernames, or anything that would otherwise violate basic conduct rules.

2 General Conduct Rules​

2.1 Play Realistically​

This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all times; exceptions can be made where appropriate - any such exceptions are purely determined by an administrator’s discretion.

2.2 Voice Chat​

The in-game voice chat may not be used for anything other than to allow for verbal conversation; where voice chat is of an unacceptably low quality, the offending player should immediately cease its use. Voice chat may only be used for OOC communication if it does not affect any roleplay situations or is used within administrative situations.

2.3 Bugs and Glitches​

The abuse and/or exploitation of a bug/glitch will not be tolerated; any player who experiences and/or who is aware of a bug/glitch must report it either to an administrator or on the forums. In addition to this, players may not abuse the Safe Zone at the Casino if they are at risk of harm from other players.

2.4 Exchanging In-Game Items funds for Real Funds​

In-game Items and benefits (such as invitations to organisations) may not be sold/traded for real/virtual item(s) and/or currency or vice versa. However, players may offer to donate on behalf of another player in exchange for in-game money only.

2.5 Excessive Negativity​

Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

Additionally, players have a 2 hour window to seek revenge on another player, provided they are unaware that the target has died and started a new life.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry whilst entering, exiting or inside of the property that is being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

For example, it is not acceptable to:
  • Intentionally mug and target new players.
  • Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
  • Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  • Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
  • Cause unnecessary damage to a stolen vehicle without good reason.
  • Use explosives or incendiaries without taking precautions to ensure that uninvolved player's items are not damaged.
  • Use molotov cocktails in raids without prior negative interactions which would justify their use.
  • Scam or deceive other players to dishonestly acquire their rare/seasonal items or the money for them.
  • Scam new players for their items or money

2.6 Reporting a Rule-Breaker​

If it is believed that another player has broken a rule, the report function (F6 key on your keyboard) is expected to be used to inform an Administrator. If a player(s) is in a role-play situation with another player(s) who has broken a rule, after the report function (F6 key) has been used, the former player(s) should continue the role-play situation as best as to their ability, and within the confines of the rules, until either it has ended and/or an Administrator intervenes.
Players may also use the report function if they require administrative assistance in general, for example being stuck somewhere.

Additionally, the F6/Report function should be used to report individuals who are conspiring to break rules i.e, Mass RDM.

When reporting another player, please make sure you include:
  • The names of anyone involved, and which rules they broke.
  • Exactly what happened.
  • When the events took place.

2.7 Required Sounds​

When playing on this game server, players must be able to hear in-game sounds, including other player’s microphones. Players do not have to use a microphone to play on this game server.

2.8 Sexual Role-Play​

In order to help preserve gameplay, sexual acts of any kind may not be performed, offered/suggested, or imitated.

It is also not allowed to display pornographic content of any sort on TVs.

2.9 Text Chat​

Players must only use the available chat functions for their intended purpose (these are outlined in the ‘chat commands’ page on the help website). For example when using the /advert function players must use it realistically and for advertising purposes only. Players may not at any time attempt to bypass the OOC message limit. Organization chat is to be treated like a phone application, and as such players should be aware that other players would see them interacting in it. ‘Panic Binds’ may not be used in organization chat.

2.10 Advertisements and images​

The /advert function, rentable billboards and image frames are expected to adhere to certain standards. Adverts are to be formatted realistically, akin to ads found in newspapers or news headlines. Use them for advertising businesses, broadcasting news or buying/selling items or services.

Images and billboards must be used realistically and display content that would feasibly be shown on a sign, poster or billboard. Here is a list of guidelines for images and billboards, including but not limited to the following:
  • No inappropriate content, or content that violates basic conduct rules
  • No sexually suggestive content
  • No low effort images
  • No unedited in-game screenshots that contain HUDs/Names/etc.
  • No distorted, overly cropped or zoomed images

What is considered to be an acceptable image/advert is subject to staff discretion. Additionally, players may not use other players’ images without permission. When taking inspiration from another player’s concept, players are expected to create their own images to suit their needs.

3 General In-Character Rules​

3.1 In-Character Names​

In-Character names must be realistic, relatively common and the names of famous individuals may not be used; the decision as to whether or not a name is deemed to be inappropriate is subject to an administrator’s discretion.

Please try and keep names semi-realistic to the gender of your character, e.g. being called Tyla Jai as a man is very unrealistic as it is a girl’s name.

3.2 Third Party Communication Applications​

Any and all forms of communication about any topic which affects In-Character decisions must be conducted through In-Character methods; for example, through the use of in-game voice chat. The use of communication applications outside of this game is strictly forbidden; for example, the use of Steam chat, TeamSpeak, Discord, Skype, telephones, etc.

3.3 Realistic Actions​

All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player. Furthermore, players should take great care whilst climbing. Players should not attempt to boost people onto buildings or structures, nor should they climb onto objects which realistically would not hold their weight or use elevated defences.

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically;

A few common examples of unreasonable risks include, but are not limited to:
  • Running on the highway without a justifiable reason
  • Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being within the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not.
  • Murdering a police officer(s) to avoid yourself or others receiving a minor punishment, such as a small ticket or a minor jail sentence
  • Loitering around the scene of a crime you committed with the intention of engaging in more combat
  • To not comply with reasonable orders given under the direct threat of a lethal weapon being pointed at you, such as a mugging.
  • Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at.
  • After committing a crime, relevant precautions should be taken to avoid arrest or police attention, such as avoiding public places.

Some valid reasons to kill police officers include:
  • Risk of a long prison sentence, typically 7 years or more
  • Preventing the imminent detection of drug production.
  • Committing a violent crime police would reasonably use lethal force to apprehend you for.

3.5 New Life Rule​

When a player has died In Character, and after they have re-spawned, they must wait at least 5 minutes (a countdown is provided) before they may either return to the place where they died and/or interact with the situation. They must also treat their re-spawn as a new life. A system is in place to inform players that they are in breach of this rule, any attempt to bypass this system will not be tolerated. Joining or leaving any government job is to be treated as a new life.

While waiting for their NLR timer to run out, players should not wait in the vicinity of their NLR zone and should stay a reasonable distance away.

When a player is given a new life they must forget/may not act upon any and all details of their previous life; this excludes properties and cars that they own, government positions that they hold and any friends or acquaintances that they have/had made.

Players should not use or act upon any information gained from other players which is relevant to their previous death, while their NLR timer is active.

3.6 Stay Alive​

Players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death.

3.7 Properties​

When props are used to block entrances to a property, at least 2 entrances to any main area of a property must be left unobstructed. The main area of a property is defined as any area within the property where a significant portion of occupants reside and main functions of the property are carried out. A path is considered obstructed when a player has to either jump or crouch to travel along the path.

3.8 Elaborate​

Props may not be used to elaborately direct players’ movements. For example, through the creation of a maze. Typically a player’s movement is considered unrestricted if at least two players can fit through the path travelling side by side and they don’t need to jump or crouch in order to travel the path. The construction of any elevated platforms is prohibited in a base defence, in addition players may not build a construction that allows for near one way visibility.

Additionally, players may not place an excessive amount of props designed to make movement more elaborate when defending against explosives.

3.9 Placing Props​

Props may only be placed within properties that you own, or if you have permission to do so from the respective owner; this excludes the use of Government Issued Police Barricades and Cones. Defence props may only be placed within the confines of buildings contained within owned properties. Props may also be placed in public areas as long as they are benefiting roleplay and are not obstructing anything. Under no circumstances should defence props other than metal detectors be placed in public or government buildings.

Props must be placed realistically; for the placement of a prop to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate that it can remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physics Gun. A maximum of three spotlights may be concentrated on a particular area.

Additionally, construction props may not be placed to erect defences during ongoing shootouts or raids. Nor can players use their phys-gun to edit their defense during this time.

Click here to access the construction booklet which provides further guidance on base building.

3.10 Realistic Construction​

Player-made constructions must be built realistically; for a Construction to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate that it can obey the laws of physics to a satisfactory extent and if applicable not harm the structural integrity of the building it is placed within. If done in a realistic fashion, exceptions can be made.

3.11 Leveraging Pushing​

Props may not be used to move players, other props, and/or vehicles, Props may also not be used to hold other props unrealistically, for example stopping a car from rolling down a hill by freezing a prop in front of it.

3.12 Mayoral Assassination​

The mayor may only be assassinated if it sufficiently benefits the players involved or if the mayor has negatively affected the players in a severe personal way. Where possible, players should attempt to directly convince the Mayor to improve city management or change their tax policies before attempting an assassination.

Please note that any assassination of the mayor is very likely to be looked-into in depth and treated more strictly, meaning that players must have good reason for such actions.

Examples of reasons to justifiably assassinate the mayor include, but are not limited to:
  • Failing to adhere to promises regarding city management & tax policy
  • Discriminatory conduct towards diverse groups of people
  • Any instance in which it would be justifiable to kill another player according to rule 2.5
  • Implementing a combination of detrimental policies that directly harm players' interests

3.13 Selling Items​

When selling items through the use of a cash register, using misleading item names is not allowed. Item names must accurately represent what is being sold, including containers and the contents within them. Using vague terms such as “Mystery Box” or similar is not acceptable. Additionally, items may only be put on-sale within properties that are owned by the player, or within properties where the player has direct permission to do so from the owner of the respective property.

3.14 Prank Calling​

Excessive prank calling is not allowed and a valid RP reason must be presented, for example diverting cops from a location where criminal activities are happening.

3.15 Vehicle Damage​

Players must avoid damaging the vehicle they are currently driving to the best of their ability and make a constant effort to avoid colliding with other cars, walls or other entities. This also applies if the car in question is stolen or work-related. Players who commit an action that is likely to cause damage to their vehicle must have a valid reason to do so that outweighs the risks associated. For example, Fleeing life-threatening danger or running someone over in defence of yourself or someone else are justified reasons to collide with objects or otherwise damage the car. Ramming cars out of a Parking space solely to claim that parking space is also prohibited.

3.16 Idle​

Players who go idle for a prolonged amount of time on the server may be automatically kicked at higher player counts. Players are prohibited from going idle during roleplay or administrative situations, however if they have a reasonable explanation they may go idle provided they inform players involved via LOOC and submit a report to inform an admin they have gone idle.

3.17 Idling on a Job​

Players are not allowed to go idle for any period of time while performing a job, players should quit their job before going idle or use /report to inform a member of staff that they have gone idle

3.18 Storages and trunks​

While their life and/or freedom is in imminent danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks/ATMs to avoid losing valuable items or money that the player is currently holding on their person. This also includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

3.19 Evasion​

When Players are evading arrest, they must do so realistically, for example if a player evades arrest by initiating a police pursuit they must demonstrate to an Administrator that he had a reasonable chance of escaping. Players may not use the monorail if they are being directly pursued by the Police. In addition, players may not needlessly escalate police pursuits into shootouts. Changing, joining or leaving jobs to avoid interaction or pursuits with another player is also prohibited. Exploiting peaceful zones to hide from pursuing players is also not permitted.

3.20 Disconnecting from the Server​

When disconnecting from the server players must ensure that they are not a part of any role-play or administrative situations, this includes, but is not limited to, being unconscious. Players should also wait at least 10 minutes prior to leaving the server after committing a crime; this does not apply if the crime has been resolved (player has been arrested / caught for this crime).

It is also prohibited for a player to disconnect from the server with the sole intention of saving possessions. However if a player can provide a reasonable explanation for disconnecting during role-play they should do so by informing a staff member with the use of the /report function.

3.21 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)​

When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), the NPCs must be treated as regular players and taken into consideration within roleplay situations, simply killing the NPC usually isn’t sufficient. For example, if a player is involved in a bank robbery and is visiting the hospital to receive treatment from the NPC, the aforementioned player should ensure his and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger.

3.22 Highway Driving​

Players should at all times drive on the correct side of the highway and should not perform unrealistic maneuvers while driving along the highway, for example performing a U-turn or driving down the wrong off ramp. In addition traffic laws must be obeyed while at the intersection, this includes stopping at red lights. However if the player can provide a reasonable justification for their actions they may be excused from punishment. For example a player may run a red light at the intersection if doing so will significantly increase their chance of survival.

3.23 Placing Drugs​

Players may not place drugs in areas that are not accessible without jumping or crouching, unless they are transporting the drugs in a timely manner. In addition, drugs may also not be placed within any public building or in Bazaar/Business shops.

3.24 Staying In-Character​

Players are prohibited from bringing out-of-character information into in-character gameplay. Out of character information is defined as any information that would not be realistically accessible to your character. Common examples include:
  • Discussing server rules during roleplay situations
  • Viewing illegal substances through walls or objects
  • Discussing ongoing in-character situations in out-of-character chat
  • Using video clips in-character without taking proper measures (e.g using a phone with a /me), except when used in Supervisor situations to address misconduct.

The exception to this rule allows you to talk about OOC related things when it does not affect anyone around you, or anyone openly involved in a roleplay situation, for example when inside your base or in a private area.

3.25 Drug Harvesting/Mugging​

Players may not harvest drugs or mug players while being raided or when they suspect they are about to get raided if they don’t have a significant chance to escape the situation. (For example if you know you can escape you may do so with the drugs, although you will have to drop what you harvested if you’re caught by the police/raiders)

3.26 ‘/me’ Function​

The ‘/me’ function may only be used to perform actions that cannot be effectively depicted within the gamemode. The ‘/me’ function has to be used in a realistic fashion. For example performing a ‘/me’ on more than one player at a time or performing multiple actions within the same ‘/me’ would be deemed unrealistic. When the ‘/me’ function is used to affect another player, the other player may wish to resist the action by using the ‘/roll’ function provided it is realistically possible to do so.

The same restrictions apply to the ‘/desc’ function, which should only be used to truthly describe events that have occurred.

3.27 Prolonged Detainment​

If a player has been illegally detained against their will for more than 10 minutes, they should use the ‘/report’ function to inform an administrator; an administrator should then arrive, let the player know that they are there, and observe the situation - it will then be down to the administrator’s discretion whether or not the situation has lasted for an unreasonable amount of time.

3.28 Being Tied-up/Gagged​

When a player has been gagged, in some form by another player, the former player can only become ungagged with the use of the ‘/me’ function by any player who is not tied-up. Players should refer to rule 3.27 if they have been restrained for an excessive amount of time and they are not part of any active role play situation. Players may not use the ‘/me’ function to tie up players, instead they must use the craftable ‘Zip Ties’ item to tie up other players.

3.29 Recognising Players​

Players may recognise or describe another player if they have seen a reasonable amount of their face. This generally depends on whether a player has had a chance to see the other player’s facial features. Typically, this is based on if a player can remember another players’ In-Character name (the name that appears above their head), so that players can be recognised even after changing their clothing. Players cannot alter their facial features or name while actively pursued by others, including situations involving police warrants.

3.30 Confiscation​

No weapons or evidence shall be confiscated by Law Enforcement when immediate harm is at risk, such as under gun fire or assailants nearby. Evidence is permitted to be confiscated if the officer is unable to watch over the evidence and leaving it where it is would risk it being tampered with by a member of the public. LEOs also may not confiscate any evidence when highly outnumbered or very likely to lose an ongoing situation. This also includes officers impounding vehicles.

3.31 Transactions​

All transactions relating to items or money must take place entirely in-character and on the server. Agreements to perform a transaction may be made on external websites such as “The Internet” section of the forums, but the full transaction must take place in-character and follow the in-character rules.

Examples of off-server websites are not allowed or supported: Loans, gambling, pre-payment item orders, deposit systems.

Informal agreements made between friends can exist out of character, off the server or across multiple lives. However, this is done at their own risk and the transactions are not enforceable by the staff team. Examples of this include: Lending a friend some money, providing payment for crafting materials.

4 City Employee Rules​

4.1 Follow the Law​

Government employees must at all times follow the entirety of the law.

4.2 Paramedics​

Typically, Paramedics may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. Paramedics cannot at any time patrol the city but may park at places such as the Fire Department, Police Station, Hospital, other sensible non crowded areas and wait to be called out, this excludes Paramedics using the First Responder vehicle, if they are using it they may patrol. Paramedics must inform Police Officers if they have treated wounds which have been inflicted as a result of a crime, for example, gunshot wounds.

4.3 Firefighters​

Typically, Firefighters may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. Firefighters using a patrol vehicle (e.g. Dodge RAM or Land Rover) can patrol the city but must call the Firetruck when responding to large uncontrolled fires, Firefighters using the firetruck may not leave the fire department, unless responding to an emergency services report that includes details of an uncontrolled fire or medical emergency.

4.4 Road Crew Workers​

Ordinarily, Road Crew Workers should refrain from entering a crime scene until it has been properly secured by law enforcement. To impound or clamp a vehicle, the road crew worker must receive authorization from a law enforcement or road management officer, unless the vehicle is abandoned and obstructing the natural flow of traffic.

Road Crew Workers must inform law-enforcement personnel if they have repaired a vehicle that was damaged as a result of a crime.

Road Crew Workers may charge a fee of up to $500 for each of repairing, un-booting or un-impounding a vehicle.

4.5 The Mayor​

The Mayor may not add-to, remove-from, and/or modify the Paralake Penal Code. In addition to this, the Mayor may not stay in the Police Department or Casino for an extended period of time. When hiding from prospective danger, Mayors are expected to do so realistically and in sensible locations.

4.6 Secret Service Agents​

Secret Service Agents must, to the best of their ability, do everything possible to protect the life and general well-being of the Mayor. Secret Service agents are not there to obey the mayor, but must do their best to accommodate the Mayor’s lifestyle and requests, where it is possible and reasonable to do so; however, Secret Service Agents may give orders to the Mayor during emergencies and times of crisis, where it is appropriate to do so.

4.7 Police Dispatcher​

Police Dispatchers must remain within the appropriate area of the PD at all times (Dispatcher Room). In order to become a Police Dispatcher users must have and utilize their microphone.

4.8 Taxi Driver and Courier​

Taxi Drivers and Couriers must carry out their duties to the best of their ability at all times. Taxi Drivers and Couriers must follow Sections 6, 8, and 11 of the Paralake penal code at all times. Players may not attempt to exploit their abilities as a Taxi Driver or Courier for personal gain at any time.

5 Criminal Activity Rules​

5.1 Mugging​

Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public. Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging.

For the duration in which the Bazaar Shop doors are removed, mugging will be temporarily disallowed in the back rooms.

Whilst participating in a Mugging all players are expected to adhere to rule 2.5, this means that causing any unnecessary and unreasonable harm or damage to a player or their possessions is prohibited.

Items such as: Barricades, Furniture, crafting materials, planter boxes and rare/seasonal items are not to be dropped during a mugging.

5.2 Forced Withdrawals​

In order to help preserve gameplay, players may not attempt to force other players to withdraw funds from an ATM/transfer funds from the mobile banking application from their phone. In addition, players may not force other players to withdraw items from their storage boxes/trunks, unless they are lawfully searching a storage container under Section 3 of the Paralake Penal Code. The other exemption is that players may force others to withdraw money or items when their belongings have been stolen, damaged/destroyed due to another player’s actions or negligence, taken via scamming, or loaned to, by the player who refuses to return the belongings.

5.3 Raiding​

Civilians may not raid, or assist in raiding, an occupied property more than twice in a 60-minute period and cannot raid the same property more than once within that period. Civilians who died whilst raiding or defending must wait 1 hour after respawning before attempting to raid or assist in raiding the same property and may not return to the situation until it has finished.

Only 2 bombs (timed or remote) are allowed per raid, this does not include grenades.

If a neighbouring property attempts to defend against an ongoing or attempted raid, it can be raided without counting as an additional raid.

This rule does not apply to raids on public buildings or the Mayor’s residence/safehouse.

5.4 City Employees​

Under most circumstances paramedics may not be killed. The exceptions to this rule are where the medic has failed to follow reasonable orders given under gunpoint. You may not kill medics who are attempting to preserve their life. Players may not attempt to take and/or demand money or items from a City Employee. This rule excludes job related items e.g. Police Radio.

5.5 Robbing the Bank​

Players are only allowed to assist in the bank robbery if they have joined the bank robbery by texting the NPC. They must be outside the vault when the drill is placed and must not travel too far from the bank before the vault door is opened. Any player who is removed from the bank robbery must no longer assist in the robbery and must flee the area.

Hostages may not be taken before, during or after a bank robbery. Police may not force players who are arrested after the bank robbery is successful to forfeit the cash given to them by the bank robbery NPC.

5.6 Kidnapping​

Player(s) may only kidnap another player if it is absolutely necessary and benefits the player to such an extent that it outweighs the risks. For example, if taking a hostage will increase the chances of the player escaping the police substantially then a hostage can be taken. Players should refer to rule 3.4 when deciding whether or not taking a hostage is appropriate and/or beneficial. Kidnapping another player whilst visible from outside a muggable zone with the intention of mugging or raiding them is not allowed.

5.7 Organisation Relationships​

There are certain restrictions in place when it comes to relationships with organisations.

Players with rival relations with another organisation are not permitted to co-operate in any criminal activity with the rival organisation. These activities include, but are not limited to:
  • Assisting one another in raids.
  • Basing with one another.
  • Partaking in illegal activities with one another

These restrictions do not apply to organisations with neutral or allied relationships.

6 Miscellaneous Rules​

6.1 Server Crashes/Restarts​

In the event of a server crash or restart, players and props will be returned to their previous locations. Players should not continue any previous role play situations, unless agreed upon by everyone involved. Players should not engage in any criminal activity, nor may Officers attempt to pursue, detain or arrest any prior suspects until 5 minutes have passed since the server restart.

6.2 Third-Party Tools​

The use of any third-party software, macros, scripts, or content that provides an advantage over other players is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. The only exceptions are third-party crosshairs and custom weapon textures, provided the textures are installed in the phcustomtextures folder. You can learn more about this by referring to this resource.

6.3 Alt Accounts​

Players may only use one account to play the server. The use of additional or alternative accounts is strictly prohibited.
Tyla Jai is a girls name
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