Forum name: [PH]CaptainSpaghetti
Ingame name: Josh Morrison
Age: 15
Firearm skill: 78
A member of the Mafia who trusts you: I believe Trande tolerates me OOC
How good do you think your RP is (1 to 10): Depending on the situation, I would say between 5 - 9. 5 on a jokey sit, 9 on a serious
Why do you want to join the German Mafia?:
I want to kill all ze je- Just kidding.
I have heard a lot of good things about Trande after he returned, he seems to have a brilliant idea for roleplay and translated that into his organisation. Just about all of my past orgs have failed for reasons related to either certain member's behavior or lack of roleplay, therefore making it crash.
I want an org that can play the criminal life properly and roleplay well, I want to meet good roleplayers, all put together to form the ideal gang.
Former organisations: The Cacuzza (Killed for bullshit reasons of false-accusation), The Paralake Army, The Goodfella's, The Armenian Mafia...
Among many others. (I was also very much considered for PTP).
Have you ever been banned, if yes, for what and how long?: I have been banned a total of 3 times, they were all mostly situational bans and none of them were made after a BR.
The first was for "Excessive Negativity" after I burned the shop of a man who threatened to murder me, then raided me.
The second was for a reason I cannot remember fully, I believe it was a combination of killing a trolling kid who annoyed me beyond limits, and telling that same troll to "Fuck off back to Siberia" when he returned to me to complain about me killing him.
after checking, I can only find 1 ban under my name by searching my name. But the last can be found, 1 day ban. No reason given. I can't remember why.
I insist you accept me, I would be a valuable member and help the org in many ways. Also, if I am not accepted, Trande will never hear the end of it