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Suggestion Title: Dirty/Tainted Drugs DD event
Suggestion Description: Small chance when selling drugs that the dealer suspects the player of mixing in tainted drugs, triggering the event.
• Starts at something like 5% and rolls when the player sells.
• Chance goes up 5% when making consecutive sales during the same DD location period.
When the event triggers, the dealer only pays out 50% of the sale, and gives the player an undroppable "Dirty Drugs" item with the value of the other 50% (Like Bank cash has a value).
The dealer will refuse to speak with the player until they dump the item at a specific public toilet or dumpster with a small red drop off circle like Chop Shop, hinted only by the city sector (“I ain’t doing 7 years for Manslaughter, ditch that stuff in City/Suburbs/Business”).
The item can be confiscated by police & charged for 8.2, or mugged for the cash value of the Dirty Drugs item. Successful dumping of the item will reward the player with their remaining cut (The dealer texts "Sorry man, must have been some new-age stuff. Drop by soon.")
The chance % will reset when: The DD moves location, the police confiscate the item, the item is mugged, or the player successfully dumps the item. If the player is still holding the Dirty Drugs and the dealer has moved, a new dumping spot will be given when talked to.
New players should start at 0% chance, to do their mission without trouble.
Why should this be added?:
- Adds more character to the drug selling process, instead of offloading thousands of drugs at an easy DD location
- New confiscation opportunity for PLPD & mugging opportunity in sketchy locations
What negatives could this have?:
- Would need a system where a player can't have their friend mug them and give back the cash value, or the loophole would need to be monitored as a rulebreak
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Large quantities of drugs are easy to offload near DD locations with nearby access to non-muggable storage.
Suggestion Description: Small chance when selling drugs that the dealer suspects the player of mixing in tainted drugs, triggering the event.
• Starts at something like 5% and rolls when the player sells.
• Chance goes up 5% when making consecutive sales during the same DD location period.
When the event triggers, the dealer only pays out 50% of the sale, and gives the player an undroppable "Dirty Drugs" item with the value of the other 50% (Like Bank cash has a value).
The dealer will refuse to speak with the player until they dump the item at a specific public toilet or dumpster with a small red drop off circle like Chop Shop, hinted only by the city sector (“I ain’t doing 7 years for Manslaughter, ditch that stuff in City/Suburbs/Business”).
The item can be confiscated by police & charged for 8.2, or mugged for the cash value of the Dirty Drugs item. Successful dumping of the item will reward the player with their remaining cut (The dealer texts "Sorry man, must have been some new-age stuff. Drop by soon.")
The chance % will reset when: The DD moves location, the police confiscate the item, the item is mugged, or the player successfully dumps the item. If the player is still holding the Dirty Drugs and the dealer has moved, a new dumping spot will be given when talked to.
New players should start at 0% chance, to do their mission without trouble.
Why should this be added?:
- Adds more character to the drug selling process, instead of offloading thousands of drugs at an easy DD location
- New confiscation opportunity for PLPD & mugging opportunity in sketchy locations
What negatives could this have?:
- Would need a system where a player can't have their friend mug them and give back the cash value, or the loophole would need to be monitored as a rulebreak
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Large quantities of drugs are easy to offload near DD locations with nearby access to non-muggable storage.