Disable calling 911 unless dispatch is on, and display full call in HUD again.

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Description of the idea: Disable calling 911 unless dispatch is on, and display full call in HUD again.

Why should this be added? (pros):
video says enough tbh
its distracting and really annoying to be called on duty during shootouts, arresting suspects or anyt normal PD duty.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- people can no longer wallbang the leading officer on a scene by spam calling his phone
- people cannot reach 911 as fast, in the video case the caller could be a defender inside. This is easily fixed by showing the full 911 call in HUD, which is realistic since dispatch would read you the full call anyways?!. Information needs to be handed out as quick as possible and me blaring out contents of 911 calls whilst shooting AND on the phone doesn't benefit communications or the shootout. Especially not my life!
*Other additions
: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
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Maybe make it when you’re assigned to a incident, you can’t take calls?
7/10 incidents you respond to are sudden ones or ones you are not assigned to. When you get assigned to a call, dispatch is usually taking the calls making this redundant. Nobody can assign themselves in a shootout if they are getting annoyed by calls, not fixing the issue
I don’t think getting rid of 911 calls is the way to fix this problem though.
@Palodhi just make it so the option to make a call is greyed out unless dispatch is on. its litteraly a role designated to take phone calls, if i wanted to take emergency calls i'll apply for dispatch
Still, it may be annoying but not a reason for it to be removed, a alternative would be better.
Bring back 911 messages, crucial time is wasted having to press f3, wait for the computer to open and then read the message. Medics/ff can see messages, but oh wait they can't even see or create incidents. Also add a cool down to have many times you can call 911.
Tbh I liked it how it was before. Literally, and I mean, LITERALLY no one assigns themselves to incidents. Also, there’s no way for other government services to see a 911 message after it expires.

Being a cop recently the 911 calls to random supervisors and to myself are annoying, it delays action so much especially since you have to keep checking the police computer for the 911 message. 911 calls should only be directed to a dispatcher who always has the time to answer, the older system is a lot more convenient.
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