[Discussion] Mayoral assassinations

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Recently theres been talks regarding there being no way to deal with a mayor who isn't taking there role seriously. From what I've gathered, the only reason to assassinate a mayor is 40+ Sales taxes.

There are occasions where the mayor can do other stupid stuff that negatively effects players though, such as:
- Raising the sales taxes high but not above 40
- Not even changing the sales taxes at all
- Promoting hateful and somewhat radical views in broadcasts
- Intentionally downsizing the emergency services and there paychecks and resources

Whenever these happen, we have to rely on a Cpl to step in and arrest the mayor, which rarely happens anymore. How are we supposed to deal with it? Whenever this happens, people usually get bored due to having a problem on the server they are unable to deal with.

Of course, there are ways of dealing with situations like this, such as:
- Protests
- Rioting
- Bombing a government centre (I've been told this is okay as long as I don't actually kill anyone or bomb the PD)

But of course, there's always the following issues regarding these methods:
- Due to this all being a game and everyone roleplays as if there characters are self aware of them being in a game, mayors do not take being hated seriously at all.
- Riots and protests require crowds and no one does them anymore
- Bombs are expensive and wasting one to blow up some NPC's isn't worth it

So, What do you guys suggest we take as a course of action?

I like the idea of targeted terrorism towards government buildings etc as long as it doesn't kill players. Though terrorist attacks would be a bit hard and expensive for citizens to perform especially when you have a full server and when the whole of PD is tailing the mayor everywhere he goes.
i rarely see pd tailing the mayor and I think people will excessively perform terrorist acts
From what I've gathered, the only reason to assassinate a mayor is 40+ Sales taxes.

Well that's completely false, as long as you have a justifiable reason to assassinate the mayor and the act of doing so will benefit enough that it is worth the risk then you can absolutely assassinate him regardless of whether the tax is above or below 40%.
If the cops refuse (or are unable to) act against the mayor, I'm all in for the criminals using dirty tricks as long as they give the police a chance to talk to him and catch him if he refuses.
@BigNonce Mabye make rules surrounding it, but yeah people are bored so they'll do this excessively but if you want a proper attack with bombs and stuff It'll be expensive so maybe it'll limit it, +the risk of being caugh.
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