[Discussion] Parking your car in front of PD so you can report people who nick it.

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There has been warnings and bans issued to people who nick cars from the front of PD for as long as I can remember. Personally I think that stealing a car in front of PD is no different to stealing one in another populated area. Here's why:

Car security upgrades exist:
This ones an obvious no brainer; if you want your car to not get stolen, just put an upgraded security package in it. It costs $300 which is literally 2 minutes of a job paycheck and up to 30 can be carried on your person at any time. They can be put in the trunk of your car in bulk so you can just attach one to your car when you spawn it. On top of this, you get a text when someone tries to crowbar your car so you know when someones trying to steal it! If you can afford a car, you can afford a security upgrade, they're dirt cheap and the best way of stopping people from stealing your car.

The PD itself:
Typically if there's cops who do there fucking jobs, they wont all be sat inside the PD. Sure, you should take the NPC's into account but at the same time there's one NPC in direct view of the PD front parking, and that's the gate man. Typically a gate keeper wouldn't be an actual officer par se, just a member of civilian staff. Sure he wears police uniform, but that's probably just to look the part.

Meanwhile, if you stole a car from bazaar, the sound would ring out to many people, including the owner and police patrols.

It's another excuse for people to make AR's:
Obviously car owners aren't making AR's to ensure the server rules are in check, they make them because they want to get back at someone over actions taken against them but they can't find the skill or balls to do it on the main server.

Whats your opinion on stealing cars in front of PD and the AR's / reports people make because of it?

In my opinion, if you drive past and threaten the NPC at the gates then I don't see an issue with stealing a car in front of PD. Sure, Realistically you'd get caught, but from a gameplay perspective, its just a little exploitable in the rules that no namers with bugatti's use so there car isn't stolen, when there's already a good workaround called UPGRADING YOUR CARS SECURITY SYSTEM WITH A $300 ITEM.
To be honest parking your car outside of PD stealing it should be against the rules but it depends on the value of the car and whether its worth the risk and reward. If its for example a really expensive car then parking it outside of PD shouldn't protect it seeing as then we would just have everyone parking their cars outside of PD.
So far No is beating yes by 6 votes. As far ahead as this is, I cannot hold 7 votes as an accountable number for action to be taken regarding the rule and encourage more community members to step in and vote there honest opinions.
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No. this shouldn't be allowed, no one would steal a car infront of a PD in real life because there would be cops right outside the pd the whole time, so realistically this shouldn't be a thing.
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